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I have decided I ned a pump. It needs to pump boiling wort and be sturdy. Flowrate, maybe 5L/min or so, maybe less can do it, I don't know...? I would like to be able to whirlpool with it eventually.

Craftbrewer has got a couple but with shipping that will probably get pricey:


Can I get something like this locally?

What do you guys use, is it good and where can I get it?


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I think thats for 10 of them...
What sort of flow rate do you get? I'm looking at using one to recirculate the mash, but also to push hot wort through a heat exchanger (18m of copper pipe) and still want a decent flow rate. Any thoughts?
Anyone use their march pump to transfer from Carboy to keg? I hate how I have to lift out my carboy from the chest freezer where it has been crash chilling only to stir up all the sediment again!
Have you ever tried syphoning it out with the carboy sitting in the chest freezer?? Or too much hassle?

I would be concerned about how much oxygen the march pump would introduce to fermented beer
doesn't the syphon outlet have to sit lower than the input? yes i see you would really have to prime your pump properly to make sure there is no air bubbling around the head.
I dont know too much about that sorry mate, but pretty sure you could use something like this??

I got this syphon from Plastic Box. Its very cheap and does the job but the plastic is a bit nasty.
You could try something like this with one tube going from near the bottom of the carboy to keg and another from gas to carboy. Using a very low pressure to push beer across. I'm sure the hood would pop off before a carboy broke and would be safer than lifting it any way.

Anyone have any idea how good this pump from craftbrewer is:



Looks like a good alternative to a March pump.  

I have one of those, albeit from Tempercon (in NZ).  They come in different sizes, capacities, heads etc, here's one  on TradeMe:

Click on sellers other listings to see some more, or just search TradeMe for 'magnetic pump'.  


As for how good/bad they are; I've never had a problem.  Take 100 degrees without a worry, provide decent head and flow rate, and are pretty compact.  Build quality seems fine.  I can't imagine how a March could be any better really.  Well, you could have the whole thing cast out of 316 stainless, but apart from that :-)

Me too. I've got one of these from Tempercon NZ thru Trademe and it has been a great asset and works well. Same principle as a March and reasonably priced when I bought in 2009. $168 if I remember correctly. Model is WP-MD15R: 8mm & 6mm 20W 2M 15L/Min. Sept 2011 price: $196.


Easy to strip and inspect for cleanliness too!





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