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  • 45, Male
  • New Zealand
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  • Darrin Smith
  • Willie the Kid
  • Michael Andrewartha
  • martin w
  • Toot
  • Simon David kelly
  • Martin townshend
  • Nathan Ross
  • Pilgrim
  • aldee
  • Sam
  • JoKing
  • Mike Neilson
  • vdog
  • Reviled

Soren's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Soren Oct 17, 2010. 8 Replies


Started this discussion. Last reply by studio1 Jul 2, 2009. 6 Replies


Started this discussion. Last reply by Christoph Meyer Jun 7, 2011. 39 Replies

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Profile Information

Favorite Beers?
NZ: Smoking Bishop, Emerson Dunkelweizen and Old 95 Renaissance Porter and Stonecutter (I help make them).

International: Orval, Rochefort 10, Fuller's Golden Pride, a lot of American and a few danish microbrews that really hit the nail.

I like big beers...:)
Favorite Breweries?
The above and every brewpub I have been to...
Favorite Bars/Pubs?
Basically every brewpub I have been to... Galbraith's and the Twisted Hop springs to mind in NZ. Malthouse, Hashigo Sake, Pomeroy's, a lot of places are coming to life around the country.
About Me:
Biochemist, immigrated from Denmark for love:) Currently assistant brewer at Renaissance and living the dream with my own brewing company, 8 Wired Brewing.

Soren's Blog

1st brew on the gear formerly known as the Liberty Pilot Brewery

Posted on September 11, 2010 at 11:53am 12 Comments

As Joking mentioned in a previous post, he made me a pilot brewery. I got this on Monday and yesterday I finally got around to playing around with it. I like to get straight to the point and instead of brewing a pale ale just to see how the system worked I went for gold, pushed the system to the max and made a big barley wine. This is also sort of a tribute to our first child who can arrive any day now, I plan on cellaring it for as long as possible,hopefully for 21…


Comment Wall (25 comments)

At 3:00pm on December 3, 2008, Reviled said…
Hey mate, are you based in Auckland?

Reason I ask, I saw you have some Wyeast 3787, was wondering if youd be keen to do a yeast trub swap? ive got some 1469 and 2000 at the mo which ive been farming...
At 7:57am on December 4, 2008, Reviled said…
Blenheim aye, havnt been there in ages, lucky tho that you have Renaissance and Pink Elephant down there :o)

Dont worry about it not fermenting just yet, it may take a couple of days, specially with such a high gravity beer... In fact, those smack packs are only supposed to be direct pitched into 1060 or lower, but even then its reccomended to make a starter... Id start worrying after 3 days if nothings happening...

Dont think ill be coming down south any time soon, but if I do ill let you know... We could allways do a mail swap I guess...

Let me know how the beer turns out, hope you have a good time in Europe :o)
At 7:45am on December 8, 2008, Reviled said…
All good that it kicked off, allways a stressfull few days huh? :oP

Id be keen to swap you some yeast? I have some 1469 West Yorkshire and 2000 Budvar lager which I can happily post you one back?
At 9:25am on December 8, 2008, Reviled said…
Hey mate, I wouldnt say no to a blend of those two, it cant be bad cos theyre both fairly similair yeasts :o) Or I can wait till jan, im not in a rush...

Up to you, let me know...

At 7:41am on December 10, 2008, Reviled said…
Hey buddy, appreciate it but it sounds like you need it more :o) The yeastys will get a hammering with a barley wine...

Cheers anyway mate...
At 8:10am on January 28, 2009, Reviled said…
Hey matey it definately was me :o) I had this eerie feeling that id allready met/talked to you at some stage lol, had no idea you were one of the brewers at Renaissance, man I love your guys beers a! Went and had a Perfection last night and its on form!!

Be definately keen to grab some off of ya if you dont mind? I can allways make a starter to check the viability.. Would you be keen to meet up for a beer or two?
At 7:45am on January 29, 2009, Reviled said…
No worries mate, sounds good, ill see you between 3 and 6 :o)
At 1:24am on April 22, 2009, Nathan Ross said…
Hey Soren, great to hear from you. Your first stop in Sydney has to be the Local Taphouse which opened a few months back. If you're visiting next weekend the Anzac Day SpecTapular is on there which showcases Aussie micros (and NZ as well of course), check the website. Next definitely head to Red Oak Brewpub. They do some great beers and the food is good too. If it's only a quick visit lastly go to The Australian Hotel, they have around a dozen taps of micros and a huge range of bottles. All are based in the city centre so easy to get to...let me know if you need contact details at all. As for bottleshops I'm not familiar of any in the city. Just ask around at the places I listed and hopefully you may be lucky in locating some of the Mikkeller brews, also look out for Flying Dog (US) and Brewdog (Scotland) who do amazing Imperial Stouts aged in Whiskey barrels! . Speaking of Mikkeller, I picked up a bottle of their Big Worse Barley Wine, I'm tempted to crack it now but nah will cellar it for a while:) Let me know if you need any other info. Oh and I can't thank you guys enough for the Bourbon porter man, I appreciate it greatly!
Cheers! Nate.
At 8:20am on April 24, 2009, Reviled said…

Mate - Speechless, sounds like quite the package ;o) Cheers mate, will be sure to update you with feedback! Sounds like some interesting things youre brewing bro!
At 1:53pm on April 26, 2009, Nathan Ross said…
Hey mate, look out for micros like Mountain Goat Moonshine, Nail stout, Jamieson The Beast IPA, Matilda Bay has some good beers, Bridge Road too. Knappstein Reserve lager is impressive and worth sourcing out. Moo Brew PA is great as well and of course the Murray's range. Most of these should be available at the Taphouse. Enjoy Sydney and drink well...Cheers!

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