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  • 39, Male
  • Auckland
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  • Dave Rea
  • Chris Smith
  • Michael van Wijk
  • Nicole Dellow
  • Dan Filihiahekava
  • ninebarnyardowls
  • Darrin Smith
  • Jared Phipps
  • John H
  • G S
  • Stu H
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  • Daron
  • John Woodriffe
  • Matt

Reviled's Discussions

Maori King Belgian Ale

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stu H Sep 2, 2011. 28 Replies

Club Perks

Started this discussion. Last reply by Reviled Aug 26, 2011. 6 Replies

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jamis joined Reviled's group

NZ Case Swap

Group for people keen to get in on the NZ case swaps which will be regularly organised.
Sep 3, 2019
Gareth D. joined Reviled's group

NZ Case Swap

Group for people keen to get in on the NZ case swaps which will be regularly organised.
Aug 23, 2019

Profile Information

Favorite Beers?
So many, most from craft breweries.

Epic Mayhem and Pale Ale, Renaissance Perfection, Emersons London Porter, all of the Hallertau beers, etc etc

I like hoppy Pale Ales the most but am still experimenting with different styles.
Favorite Breweries?
Hallertau, Epic, Renaissance, Emersons
Favorite Bars/Pubs?
Hallertau, Galbraiths, The Malthouse
About Me:
Home brewer who does BIAB, been brewing about a year now and keen to learn as much as I can and try as many beers as I can :o)

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Reviled's Blog

Rev's USA trip

Posted on June 4, 2010 at 2:21pm 3 Comments

Allrighty, I just realised that I still havn't blogged about my recent trip to the US of A, so what better time than now :o) Sorry I dont have any pics but no internet at home so cant upload them...

I guess I should start by saying that all of the storys are very much true, yes there is an awful lot of craft beer in the US, and it is readily available, so available in fact that every local 7/11 or convenience store I went to at least had SNPA 6 packs for $8!!…


Beginners Guide to BIAB

Posted on June 4, 2010 at 1:23pm 17 Comments

Hey guys, ive been asked by Mike at brewers coop to write up a beginners guide to BIAB, if anyone has the time I would really appreciate any feedback as to how this reads from a beginners point of view?? Cheers!

Beginners guide to…


BIAB Reviled style

Posted on July 23, 2009 at 10:01am 13 Comments

Well figured it was about time I put up a pictorial of my brew day, this is how I do BIAB at the moment, ive made many tweaks to the process over time and I can get higher efficiencys doing it another way, however I find this is the best way to get consistent results across varied grain bill sizes, meaning I only lose about 3-5% if im doing a big 7kg batch! So to start out - I weigh out the grain, which is normally done with the hops a couple of days before i brew in anticipation :o) …


Aussie beers and brewers

Posted on June 14, 2009 at 12:22pm 5 Comments

Wow what a great trip! I love trying new beers and meeting new brewers!

I think its great that you can meet a brewer for the first time, and be chatting like old mates in no time all because you share the same common interes - Great beer :o)

I went to the QLD case swap when I was over there, was handed home brew after home brew and feeling like my glass was being refilled before it was even empty! Most of the beers were really really good and some were awesome! A few… Continue

Moving a brewery

Posted on May 25, 2009 at 8:48am 3 Comments

I moved house in the weekend, to a much better place with more room, not only for me and my family, but for my brewery :o) I now have a garage/man cave and a rumpus/bar to play with...

Ive moved plenty of times before, but this was the first time ive ever moved my brewery, it got me thinking that once again im glad that I just do BIAB, as everything can be carted in the car boot instead of the need for a flat deck truck or trailor. It must have looked funny, a car full of fermenters,… Continue

Comment Wall (163 comments)

At 9:17am on August 19, 2008, Barry said…
Yeah mate, be dead keen. I'm in Whangaparaoa.
We've been talking lots at SOBA meetups about having more homebrew tasting sessions. There's a few of us on the shore. I'll try to sort something out.
At 8:43am on September 4, 2008, HerrSchnapps said…
Ended up with just over 23 litres into the fementer with an OG of 1.050, which works out to be around 74% efficiency :D It's a little astringent, but that’s probably due to my flatmate (pictured) squeezing nearly every last drop out of the bag. Also we discovered that we can't put any more than about 32 litres and 5.4kgs of grain in, as it came perilously close to overflowing it! After all that though, it went pretty well, mashed in at 65 for 90mins (on advice from the Wigram brewery guys where we bought the grain from, $2kg, crushed!). Also since we have no chiller, we tried the no-chill method by leaving it in the pot with the lid duct-taped on overnight. Pitched it Tues afternoon, alas though I think the first S-05 packet was a dud, as by last night there was still no activity, so I pitched in the other packet and it looks like its starting this morning. Whew, its been an eventful first! I might try Palmer's Lord Crouchbacks Special Bitter recipe next in a fortnight. Mmm, bitter... :D
At 9:08am on September 4, 2008, HerrSchnapps said…
Its 41 litres, so I might just scale my brews down a little. It was definately a lot of fun and exciting to be doing an all-grain beer, though I was a little nervous as I really don't want to fuck up! An inter-island case swap would be interesting, could get together some of the other ChCh brewers to contribute a couple of their beers each, and you got some Auckland brewers also, we could have a nice selection and see what others are doing?
At 9:24am on September 4, 2008, HerrSchnapps said…
Yeah, I bottled my IPA on tuesday as well (burping afterwards is as tasty as drinking it!) which brings the beer total up to 6 swappa crates or around 50 litres! Pity the three of us will get through it pretty easily :D! So we're trying to brew ahead so that the beer has enough time in the bottle, especially stouts etc. Yeah, I'm glad I went with 41L, though a larger pot would be good already! Though 100L? Fuck me, thats big hah! Oh well, I guess it's one limitation of BIAB, might just do batch-sparging in the future for higher gravity beers *shrug*
At 10:13am on September 4, 2008, HerrSchnapps said…
Same here, ran out of beer several months back and it was horrible! I've been drinking home-brew almost exclusively since (plus Emersons/Wigram/Three Boys on special occasions) and with the threat of having to buy Mega Swill hanging over me, its a bloody good incentive to keep brewing! Though with only the one fermenter and a carbouy, we're still limited to about one brew a fortnight, and since we can easily get through a crate in a night between the three of us, its a constant uphill battle to ensure theres enough in the pantry!
At 10:42am on September 4, 2008, HerrSchnapps said…
Yeah, I know, I know... I've been contemplating getting another one though, I've just been using the carboy as a secondary since I got it at the start of winter. It's worked brilliantly to clear up all the beer since, and I've used it for lagering the pilsner and lager. Yeah, I tried the IPA on the weekend, it was really nice. Having just dry-hopped my IPA with cascade the previous week, I also instantly knew the smell!
At 11:00am on September 4, 2008, HerrSchnapps said…
Used a Muntons IPA kit as the base, added 1.8kg LME, 250g Crystal 80L, 28g Styrian Golding at 15mins, 38g at 1 and 90g(!) NZ Cascade dry hopped for 11 days with S-04. Its nice, but the Muntons kit was under-bittered, so even though I added more hops, its still lacking the bitterness I wanted. I found my beer was a lot clearer and less "yeasty" after I racked to secondary for a week or four.
At 11:16am on September 4, 2008, HerrSchnapps said…
Okay, maybe I'll just bottle the stout straight from the fermenter then and use the carboy for dry-hopping/fermenting seeing as its too warm for any pilsners or lagers now. I just realised that I started using the Fermintis yeasts instead of the kit ones at the same time I started racking all the beers to secondary. Could be just the yeast possibly...
At 11:55am on September 8, 2008, Shane Morley said…
I work at Steam Brewing , 186 James Fletcher Drive, Otahuhu.
I'm at work from 7 till 4. I think its about a year or year and a half old. We dont use it anymore so I will give you a couple of kgs for free.
At 10:12am on September 9, 2008, Shane Morley said…
No just during the day, I try not to work weekends. Ring before you come as we are starting to get busy. If I am not here I will leave some in a bag for you at our reception.

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