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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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My local countdown has a very limited selection of craft beer.

All they had was Cooper's and Tuatara if either of those do anything for ya.


$100 would get you 9 x Coopers Lager Kits :-)


Have to give some props to Townshend Brewery; absolutely awesome.  The NTA and ESB are great, but also tried the Number 9 for the first time, and it is one of the best stouts around!

Timmermans Gueze at the BBC in Ponsonby, had it on Monday arvo after two 9 hour drinking days, and whilst I initially ordered coffee, I saw the Gueze on the menu and thought why not?


Delicious!! Slightly sour, a little tart, crisp and refreshing, only 4%ABV as well so it really went down a treat!! Pity about the $13 price tag tho...

I've had quite a few lovely beers over the last few days, but the best of the lot was probably Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA.

Tried it both bottled and on tap, and both were very similar: beautiful floral hop aroma that combines wonderfully with the sweet malt.  Nice smooth bitterness, well balanced, leaning towards bitter, but much less so than a lot of other US IPAs.  This beer reminded me quite a bit of a slightly toned down Hallertau Humulus Lupulus Maximus. 

Hope I get to enjoy another one before the keg at Hashigo is finished...

Side by side taste off with Coopers Pale Ale and Coopers Sparkling Ale tonight.  


I've often wondered what the difference was with these two beers and I can now honestly say "not much at all".  Overall, I preferred the pale ale with a little more hops and bitterness but the two beers are pretty similar really.  Coopers beers are always a little different to other beers with that unique Coopers flavour and I think that's what keeps me coming back each time for another try.  I can't help but think though that the Pale Ale should be more flavourfull and push Aussie hops a little more while the Sparkling Ale fills in at the "basic summer ale" end of the spectrum.  


Overall, an interesting taste-off with a couple of beers who's flavours have featured prominently in my homebrews for many a year :-)

So for New Years Eve.. Eve, me and a couple of mates (that is me, myself and I as the other guys bailed) decided to build a small retaining step to level out the front lawn. After the first part of the job, I decided to shout those great mates a beer.... Monk's Habit.... in a rigger thanks to Tom Ashton (gotta love having a mate work there!!)... even after two weeks in my fridge that beer is amazing! May have to send a corny up to Tom for a fill up...


Thanks Tom, oh and Steam! :)

I always knew you had some form of multiple personality disorder. It's a good thing your alto egos also like good beer!


Yeah that rigger wouldve definitely been past its prime, but glad you enjoyed it nonetheless :)

Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA, Brewdog Hardcore IPA, St. Bernardus Tripel & Rochefort 8 are on the cards for tonight.. None of them are new to me.. but I do enjoy them all..
Epic Pale Ale tonight (amongst others).  Has anyone else noticed the similarity between Epic Pale Ale and Cookie Time Apricot & Chocolate Xmas Cookies?
Eel River Organic IPA
Not a bad drop. The beer has an appropriate head on it, and a deep copper color. I was enjoying it quite a bit, then after 3 of these I realised it is at 7.2%. Too late. ;)

I recommend giving this a go.

I have also been drinking Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale. It seems Sierra Nevada has not lost their way. :) I loved it.
Oh no...http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/videos/4503960.  The Rochefort Abbey has caught fire...


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