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Comment Wall (11 comments)
Re: Green Bullet - I can detect some flavour from them, even after 60m of boiling, but to be honest, it's not a flavour that screams nasty hop (the vegetal, sharp taste they impart if used any later in the boil), and while it detracts a tad from the "Englishness" of SOB, I do find it pleasant enough and easier on the pocket. I've been playing with Super Alpha recently, also as another economic and easily available bittering-only hop.
I wouldn't use either with an American style beer, as any US clean fermenting yeast will expose the bittering hop flavour more. English yeasts tend to produce more esters, masking and melding with the bittering hop flavours.
It took about 3 different mash setups to find what is best for me... and this is it! The beers come out as bright as you want with the recirculating mash - it's awesome!
3.7kg grist (my TTL Clone) I had 85% efficiency.
5kg grist, Ive had 86% (with some very diastatically powerful malt) but most of the time its 82%
6.15kg grist (Dubbel) 80%
8.1kg grist (my IIPA) 78%
9.38kg grist (Mikes Maniacally Mad Mixture of Malted Meal featuring the four C hops) 75%
So, I suppose there are a few factors that affect the efficiency - to me it is the brand of base malt you use and how much you use in the mash.
I'll email the guy and ask if the arrangements ok. I'll comment again when I find out.
Thanks again for the offer.
I've got a March pump on my Birthday wish list, and I'm hunting down some temperature probes that will suit.
I'm not 100% sure as to whether I should make them both identical so they can be a tun or boiler and have them gas heated. Or make one a dedicated boiler and use heater coils.
Decisions Decisions.
If you're at a loose end in Napier you're more than welcome to try some of my home brews, I'm sure Sparky would have a couple to try as well. 021 900 160
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