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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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2.4 kg golden promise + 0.7 kg golden promise = 3.1 kg golden promise?:)

No problem at all, got for it. substituting the pilsner for munich would just make it fatter, so do that if that's what you'd like... If there ever was a style that would suffer significantly from mixing base malt, stout is certainly NOT the one...
oops I meant 2.4 kg of Global Cologne....
Thinking of this for an APA to showcase the new Biscuit malt...

5kg Golden Promise
500g Global Munich
420g Global CaraLight
310g Biscuit

75 - 10g Summit 15.8%
20 - 15g Summit 15.8%, 15g Amarillo 7.5%, 15g Cascade 5.8%
15 - 20g Summit 15.8%, 20g Amarillo 7.5%
5 - 15g Cascadee 5.8%
Dry - 12g Summit, 18g Amarillo, 12g Cascade

Looks interesting.
I've used Amber in some of my APAs and Bitters, and like the result, so I think the Biscuit would go well.
Cheers Warra, the idea is to use the caralight to give me some sweetness without the caramel flavour, im thinking this will counterbalance the dryness of the biscuit, maybe? lol - Will be an interesting experiment none the less :o)
Sticklebract anyone?

Craftbrewer sez:

"A strong hop with a unique flavor profile, characterized by a nice pinelike aroma with a hint of citrus. It has a significant amount of Selinene, as found in English hops."

Pine and citrus sounds good. Only info I can find on Selinene is that it shows up in heaps of things, but has a large percentage in challenger, northdown and POR. Couldn't seem to find what it actualy tastes like - but judging by the fruit and veg it shows up in I'm gonna take a stab and say it's probably herbal.

Anyway, if any of you have any experience with this hop it'd be great to hear it.
I used it as a bittering hop, no significant contribution either way for me
It does smell good!! in a citrus way
I'm interested in this as well. I've only used sticklebract for bittering so far. But... I now have 1 kilo of pellets care of the Auckland Guild so was thinking about doing an IPA or IIPA using only sticklebract and styrian goldings (imported)
I believe Martin has brewed a bit with Stickelbract after getting some free from the NHC last year??
Ask Jamis he had a very impressive looking crop of them this year!
Any tips for mash temp for an ordinary bitter? I'll be using Global Kolsch as the base if that makes any difference. Also, S-04 ferment temps, I've let it get up to 20 before and picked up a slight banana aroma. I'd like to avoid that this time, would 17/18 be low enough to avoid the banana but high enough to still get some esters?


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