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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Russian river consecration. Wow this is sour, just like all the russian river sour beers it pushes the sourness as far as it can without being undrinkable. The wife, who is no newbie in beer and likes some funky stuff, couldnt stand it. I loved it, especially paired with home made fish and chips:P
Unusually a few bought beers lately

Sierra Nevada Porter - thought it lacked abit of malt grunt
Gonzo Imperial Porter - not usually into the sippers, but this was seriously good on that score
Amberley Pale Ale - a little bland from what I recall it, though that was 2 years ago at Brewnz

And this afternoon the Motueka Monster, courtesy of Chris, thanks for sharing that chap.

And after the talk and tinkering, home to make some pizza and a bottle of Chris's Maximus.
Even more hops, followed by just more hops.
Plenty of flavour, maybe that hid the bitterness for the first half of the glass and then the bitterness kicked in.
Yea, that was beer of the weekend, well done
Had a few this weekend. Reviled came and stayed for a bit of fun and we went through the repotiore. It was all good.

It was all home brew though - so probably shouldn't say anything.
Category: Tap beer.

Found myself with a Steinlager in my hand last night (I'm assuming it was the classic) It was pretty bland to say the least but I kept detecting the slightest hint of sauvin. Anyone know what they put in a Steiny?
grren bullet as far as i know...
Beer. Can't recall its provenance but it is liquid joy.
Crikey, what a rant over the last few pages?? Im gonna say that I like sharing my tasting notes for homebrew and theres not really anywhere else I can do it, unless im catching up with someone in person, so if its allright with everyone id like to share some mental notes I made from my weekend in New Plymouth at Jokings.. :o)

Was a great weekend and despite having a cold we managed to taste our way through quite the selection, listed below and tasting notes are from memory so a lil hazy...

Yakima Monster - In the bottle - Personally I think that Yeastie Yakima doesnt resemble the home brewed versions ive tried of Jo's, less hop aroma, a bit of sulpher on the nose and a crisp finish, almost lagerish, nice hint of passionfruit on the nose with a lingering bitterness.

Motueka Monster - In the bottle - Waaaay more hop aroma, this is like a completely different beer than Yakima, more hop flavour as well, more body and mouthfeel with a more ale like finish to it, definately my preferred of the two however I felt that Yakima had somehow been let down...

JoKings Levitation Ale - Keg conditioned, served through Handpump and OMFG how amazing it was, so quaffable, malty with hints of hop aroma, nice balance with a soft lingering bitterness and oh my that mouthfeel was spectacular!!! I was left wondering why anyone with a handpump would do anything but naturally condition, it just made such a difference IMO!

Liberty Brewing Summit IPA - Oh my again, such a pungent awesome hop aroma, something I had only smelt in Green Flash IIPA before, oily, resinous, just awesome!! At first I was saying that it wasnt very bitter, and 5 mins later found myself in tears as the bitterness cut into my cheeks, it accumulates on the palate like a curry!! Good god its awesome, such a savage lingering bitterness that actually felt like it was cutting me like a knife!! Such an awesome effort Jo!!

JoKingss RIS - Smooth coffee, hints of roast, good mouthfeel without being syrupy!! Hints of strong alcohol but so drinkable on a cold winters night!! Lovely beer!!

Cheers Jo for all of the beers, was such an awesome tasting weekend!!
Garrick, get onto cask conditioning mate, it makes such a big difference to the mouthfeel, trying Jos set up was just like stepping into Galbraiths!!
Timely reminder for myself and all...
How is your handpump coming along? Heard from that bloke yet Barry?
nah still not. I reminded him about a month ago and he said he was still busy, bout time for another reminder.
Still need to get my A into G with the one I can complete though.


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