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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Just had a couple of pints of Epic Stout at the Malthouse. Awesome, awesome awesome! This is my kind of stout, rich, dark, smooth, roasty, some great hop flavour I thought, not as big aroma as I was expecting. Thought it might be PKB like in that department. Extremely drinkable and I would never have noticed this beer is 6.8% until just reading it on the epic website.

Great work guys, hope there is plenty of this around to drink over some cold Wellington winter nights.
What did you think of the Barleywine Mike? Was it a drain pour? I struggle with it.

I guess it's not bad for a kit based barleywine.
4 x Macs Kits, steeped grain & a hand full of Amarillo for 18L.
What yeast did you use? And what was the OG? Cheers!
1 pack of US-05 (11.5g) and
1 pack of S33 (7g)

OG 1.120
FG 1.038 (yes it was sweet)

3.4kg Mac's Pale Kit (x2)
3.4kg Mac's Lager Kit (x2)
50g Chocolate
50g CaraPils
200g Crystal 80

15g Amarillo @ 0 min
15g Willamette @ 0 min

It took 5 months to carbonate!
Sort of off topic, but - Going out tonight for Nicoles bday dinner at some wine bar restaurant place, so no doubt they wont have any good beers available, so in the likely chance they dont - does anyone know a good white to try??
Just had some Kim Crawford Gisborne Chardonnay 2007 last night (from the Tiyjen Vinyard or something like that) It was pretty good. Otherwise Kumeu River Mattes Vinyard 2008 is Tre Bleu. It truly is the shit. And of course I have to mention Gem 2006 Chardonnay... it is a MASSIVE FUCK OFF Chardonnay. Just delightful.

If you dont want big bold oaky buttery Chardonnays, then there is the good old fashioned kiwi Savvy. I am quite partial to the Stonleigh Sauvinion Blanc... it's a bit too Autumnal for that IMHO though.
Mean cheers for that Jo!

Also good to see you might have finally scored yourself a few minutes of free time for the first time in ages!! ;o)
I'd love to see you rock up to the counter at that wine bar with a screwed up piece of paper and those 3 Chardonnays scribbled on one side... and say... "I'd like a glass of one of these please"...

I can see it right now!

"Sorry Sir - we don't have any"...

Hahaha, funny you say that cos I actually did just scribble them down ;o) And yes, I will be pissed if they dont have... Allthough I intend to ask for an Epic first and then question why they dont have it before ordering wine haha
Woke up this morning remembering why I dont drink wine :o( Man, my head is sore!!

And yeah, they didnt have any of the wines you suggested Jo, so in the end we shared a bottle of Pyramid Valley Pinot Blance, it was pretty tasty, but still not beer...
Yep, red wine brutalises me everytime also.
Tonight a Flying Dog Raging Bitch :)


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