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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I have given up gas as the soot was just way to much of an issue. Im using an electric hot plate now.

What sort of hot plate and for what sort of volume Kieran??
How long does it take to get from mash temp to the boil mate? I think mine is about 25 minutes.

It (the medium regulator) was $40 from BBQ Factory about 18 months ago. I'll post the model and specs etc tonight.
Sweet cheers mate!
OK, it's a BBQ Factory brand model 7060
Specs are:
Q 2.5 kg/hr
Max inlet pressure 250-1750 kpa
Outlet pressure 2.75 kpa

Not sure how this compares to a "standard" BBQ regulator
I checked mine: 2kg/hr
Max inlet: 1750kpa
Outlet pressure: 2.8kpa
Yeah thats definately bigger than mine, mine is only 1kg/hr so im not really surprised its lacking in grunt...

Cheers for all the info guys!
Brewed this in the weekend (double batch):

5.7kg Weyermann smoked malt
1kg Oat malt
1kg wheat
0.5kg carapils
0.5 dark crystal
0.4kg Roast barley
0.4 black
0.2 pale chocolate

120g Stryrian goldings 60mins
30g fuggles 15
30g fuggles 0

1968 London ESB yeast

OG 1050

Bit of an experiment, based on a stout recipe I like but I wanted to try the smoked malt and oat malt. Hope it turns out ok!
sounds yummy!
Looks interesting Dale. Please keep us informed how it goes? I recently did a Rauchbier, with 75% smoked malt and it did not attenuate as well as I would have liked. It stopped fermenting at 1.014, after starting at 1.047. Thats as far as it would go, so I am interested to see how yours goes. I was using a lager yeast, so it will also be interesting to see how the ESB yeasties handle it, given the large amount of unfermentables
Sure, i'll let you know how it turns out. It was tasting Soren's new beer "Big Smoke" that made me decide to finally use the smoked malt I have had sitting around for a while. You should give that a try when if you see it around, very nice.


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