If I start organising weekly drinks anywhere I might as well start organising myself a divorce lawyer.
I was a bit down on the whole BoQ thing last night. I was sat there for a while near the bar and almost everyone was ordering megaswill. I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times that big bottle fridge was opened. The stock turnover is probably fairly low, which would explain the Armageddon issue. Could maybe have been getting near the end of the keg of Epic PA. More people drinking decent beer would solve both issues.
I am talking to the management there about doing some meet-the-brewer type events so hopefully that will stimulate some interest.
Permalink Reply by vdog on February 26, 2010 at 8:15pm
Thanks to an accident on the motorway, ended up driving past Liquorland in Newmarket, so kind of had to stop... Just polished off the first of a few bottles of Hopwired - man I can't wait to brew my own version of that! Soooooo good!
Had to go to Hallertau to pick up some kegs. Managed to squeeze in a pint of statesman followed by a pint of marzen. Takeaway rigger of maximus and porter noir...
Just happend to quickly Pop into Hashigo last night and have a quick pint, I have figured that you know when craftbeer is good is when regular beer drinkers say that the beer is shit!! For instance there was 4 of us having a pint of Hopwired and 3 of them said it was rubbish!! I thought the beer that night was in great form!!
I bet though if they actually started to treat there taste buds more offen than they would see the true Bueaty that is HopWired!! But then again there would be less for me!!
Permalink Reply by MrC on February 27, 2010 at 3:56pm
Had a couple of Moa Originals last night followed by a St Joseph. I'm really liking St Joseph at the moment. Got another lined up for tonight after a couple of my own brews.