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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Doing the Nerdherder side by side at the moment. I'm going to refer to them as R and M, cause I can never remember which Saaz is which :-P

I prefer the Riwaka one.

R - sweaty oranges and peaches on the nose, hop character is more prominent in this beer than the M, very nice.

M - Seem a little more toasty-malty on the nose - maybe because the hop character isn't as strong, some hop-spice in aroma and some fruity/citrus lemony in flavour, but hop character is quite subtle overall. It's interesting that this beer seems a little more bitter than the R batch.

Nice beers, good work chaps.
just did the same last night at Kieran's... loads of people prefer the Riwaka/D but, for the first time, nobody did last night... I prefer the Motueka/"B" by a country mile but I don't think I influenced them.

Good spotting on bitterness... you're right.
I'm a 'B' man myself.
Even contemplated the fact over one at work this afternoon :)
Acutally, I must say - on first impressions I prefer the Riwaka, but by the end of the glasses I was enjoying the Motueka batch more.
Ummm, is that like Butt man Sam?
Finally got to the bottle of Rewired last night. I was not sure what to expect from a brown ale, as I have not had one before (that I know of). Came across as a full mouthed toffee roast flavour. Hops were not bursting forth, but they were there and I would like to say balanced with the malt aroma (given my adolescent palate, and no offence intended). Reminded me a little of my attempt at a porter, but much nicer, giving me something to chew on! Quite warming too.

That was followed by Dale's cream ale (from Rev's recipe I hear), which was shared with Tom. Very nice. I thought I got some riwaka in there, but Dale assured me it was 100% amarillo..... very nice.... looks like my next brew is sorted.

Started tonight with THIPA..... I remember why I feel in love with it, although I think they have changed the recipe as there is something different about it. Finishing my night on Hop Rocker Clone VI which is still maturing in the keg for February, think I will have to rebrew my CS4 Pils.... am a left wanting.
" Reminded me a little of my attempt at a porter"

Hehe, funny you should say that, I remember when I gave you a bottle of one of the trials many months ago you referred to it as a porter in your feedback. If I remember right, that particular trial was fermented with 1968 though and more 'british'. It is a bit too roasty though and that's one of the things that will be tuned back in the next batch, mouthfeel and maltiness is the main thing I will tune up. I'll also change the yeast I think, 1272 has a slight fruity tartness to it that doesnt mingle too well in this beer.
Had a bottle yesterday and I think it's now better than ever. It started out really fresh and fruity and quite tasty, almost like an ESB with added roastyness. It then went through a bit of a rough patch imo where the choclolate was battling with the hops in an unbalanced fight. Now it has come out on the other side with more mellow flavours and the chocolate is dominating what is now a more balanced palate. The next one I want to end up closer to this at the day of release, fingers crossed:)
Wow what a great night, only just surfacing now!!

Had the best time at Hallertau with great food and awesome beers! Worked my way through a pint of Maximus, Statesman, Luxe and Deception and then on to my mates place with a take home keg of copper tart which was awesome, and I swear I could detect a hint of roast that I havnt picked up before in the copper tart?? It was really nice, leaving you with a slightly roasty dry finish!! Then when that ran out we cracked my keg of summer ale, hopped with Amarillo which IMO isnt really that good, but by that time I couldnt tell the difference much ;o)
Sounds like a great night bro. Good on ya!
Just having a Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale. Faaaaaaark, is all I can say at this point. A beautiful, smooth, caramally ale, with a shit load cascade. What more can I say? If you see a bottle, get it, if you haven't already
Had my last bottle of "His Majesty" last thursday. It was still tasting pretty good but it dodn't prepare me for the one I had on Thursday (courtesy of a mate who'd had it in his beer fridge since October)... phenomenal. The fridge certainly beat the cellar in regards to aging that beer.

A couple of Dux beers from the supermarket out in Eastbourne yesterday (a day out with the family). Hereford and Nor'wester both tasting pretty good, especially the latter.

Drinking a fair bit of my "Rid of Me" Stout... Flat, warm, fresh... loving it! Ally McG's impressive pale/amber ale... had it yesterday afternoon and wanted at least a couple more bottles!

Mussel Inn Captain Cooker (via Invercargill)... lovely. Moreish and such a nice difference from all the hoppy beers I've been drinking these last few weeks.

Following on from that thought I cracked open Hog's Back "Wobble in a Bottle"... 7.5%... Perfect English Strong Pale/Amber Ale. Also picked up (from Rumble's) the same brewery's "A over T" barleywine which I remember loving in the past and look forward to this evening.


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