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I have decided I ned a pump. It needs to pump boiling wort and be sturdy. Flowrate, maybe 5L/min or so, maybe less can do it, I don't know...? I would like to be able to whirlpool with it eventually.

Craftbrewer has got a couple but with shipping that will probably get pricey:


Can I get something like this locally?

What do you guys use, is it good and where can I get it?


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Heard back from Ross @ CB - for the record you can wire it up either way.
I would have thought wiring it the other way would have run it in reverse...... :)
Quick fix for that pump is a 20oz hammer straight to the shaft while on, one good blow should get it spinning!! If not try constant swearing at it and a quick kick.
sweet - so you have had these probs too?
Yeah its been playing up lately I think its all the hops stuck in behind the prop or corrosion? but doubt it. Man I couldn't imagine brewing now with out it recirc is the easiest thing in the world now, along with transferring and whirlpooling!!
yip - well I gave it one good blow on the shaft and off she went. So now I have that AND a march pump.
Mean! Want to sell the TM pump to me? ;o) lol
possibly! it comes with 2 brass 15mm male threads.
I'd be worried about the inlet/outlet sizes - they look small and blockable to me...
I think he has a 15 mm inlet model. Check his website at www.tempercon.co.nz. I have no experience with these pumps fwiw...
Got one of those last year off that bloke. The pump works well and is easy to dis-assemble and clean.


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