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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Big weekend with my work function on Friday night. I bought swill for the masses and a pick of Emersons, Epic, Three Boys, Wigram and my last bottle of His Majesty for me and a couple of the learned at work (I love being on the social club committee and being the alcohol purchaser!).... next time I have to buy more of the good stuff as once I started my SOBA speech people started to massacre it.... leaving me to have to drink Heineken half way through the night.

A few of them could not stomach Epic Pale, or HM... they went back to Heineken... the others rated both highly. Emersons Pils and Three Boys Pils and Golden were top picks with Mac Hop Rocker coming in close behind. Needless to say my eftpos card told me I had a cracking night after leaving the work do and hitting a few bars in town.... my wife and I got home about 4am and I didn't vomit in or on a cab, in fact not at all, although I didn't go far on Saturday!

Today I started building the walk in robe for the master bedroom, and had my own Hop Shocker, Hop Rocker, Case Swap Pils after a hard sweaty day.... bedtime now. (P.S. I had the Yellow Crosses own brew lager... I had two mouthfuls and gave it back... that was shit.)
Drinking and being out at 3am makes Geoffrey Palmer sad.
Croucher Pale Ale yesterday at Bar Edward... my kind of NZ pale and in pretty solid.
Was at Hallertau yesterday, last time before the move next Saturday 24th December, :(
Had the Mata Horopito Wheat beer, rather disapointing, too much malt going on :(
To finish the good old Statesman, tasting mighty fine, love that hops.
Pink Elephant Mammoth... out of Invercargill Brewery.
Young, quite hoppy, nice rich dark-end crystal notes, a little estery... a little cleaner than I've come to expect from PE but that is neither a good nor a bad thing - just a little different. Could be a real cracker as it ages and integrates in the bottle.

Townshend Cathcart's NTA... grainy cracker-like notes, nice malt weight for 4.2%, a little wine gum, dry hoppy finish. Not as aromatic as I've had it out of the bottle but no less drinkable.

Had a snifter taste of Rooster's Summer Ale too, courtesy of Kieran from Regionals. Very promising - easy drnking and nicely balanced. Seems worthy of a flagon at Regionals next time I'm in.
Just had a Gavroche to reward myself for not hoeing into all the case swap beers. That's one tasty little [french] belgian. You would hardly know it was 8.5%... Well done me.
A rough cider from apples crushed off my own tree, needs another few months/years!!! And a well balanced Christmas ale, NZ pale, marris, crystal. Hallertau. Various Christmas spices etc.. Having to hide the bottles from my Dad as I promised most of it to Christmas lunch with the Fanau. Got a few samples from the store to crack soon. Leaving most of it to cellar until I get back to ChCh
Partly to commiserate breaking the brand new pump Joseph supplied me (doh!), last night went out and had Twisted Hop IPA, Twisted Hop Skullbuggery IIPA and Three Boys IPA. Feeling better about the pump now......
Was it one of these puppies?
I'm thinking of getting one.
Yes, but it is the bigger size the CQ 15. The ones on TM are a lower capacity. I contacted Tempercon, they are bringing more in in Feb. Joe at Liberty did have a number he imported, but I got the last one.
I tried the Skullbuggery on Sunday, isn't it good?
mmm mmmm, its a fine drop!


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