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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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It's going to be difficult picking Top 3 beers for 09...
you're allowed a top 10 surely...
I'd struggle with top 3 pale ales!
Absolutely! I just like to pick 3 top, clear overall beers rated 1st, 2nd, 3rd. None of this PC participation stuff, I want winners and losers ;-P
Beers 4-10 can have distinctions and highly ratedness...
make it one then
silver is just the best loser *

* I should credit that to someone, since I do remember hearing it somewhere else - probably Seinfeld or Eddie Izzard.
Ah, 2009 hasn't been a biggie for bought beer for me.

I don't think I've bought 10 commercial beers, I might have to sit that topic out
JT - you can always include all those free beers you've picked up on Mac's visits and the like
Soren, when is it coming to auckland??? :o(
AND, while we're on topic, great to see 8 Wired making the recommended "8 Pack" in Capital Times Beer Necessities Survey.
It would be greater to see it in my fridge.
I can only count 7 beers in the 8 pack ?

ooops, bookbinder & 1812 together, now I'm on track
Yay, i'm in WLG this weekend so final get to try the Hopwired and hopefully the brown and the PKB Remix and and and. Its like xmas come early
awwww, stop it you guys, all this attention is making me blush... Rev, I've saved 2/3 of the batch just waiting for the label then we'll bottle it. hopefully it'll be out before xmas but I wouldnt bet on it, too many little things that has to fall into place for that too happen. I'm sure some of the bottles will make it to auckland.

Stu, good to see the capital times didn't mess up like they did last year, but matthew must be disappointed that they didn't pick a winner:)


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