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Looks good Jo. I take it that's what you mean by Pseudo - Ale yeast @ 16C

I've got loads of Weyermann Bohemium Pils malt that I'm not otherwise using. How would this go in a "Pseudo" summer ale with a touch of medium Crystal and a similar hopping regime to what you have here?

Was also planning to ferment at 18C
Brett it will work out great! When I had a sack of global pils I was doing alot of S-05 ales at 18*c and they come out very clean!! The bohemian pils is quite sweet and theres absolutely no reason you cant use it in a light ale IMO
Bohemian Pilsner is perfect for a summer ale. To be honest, you wouldn't even need any crystal in there at all. If you mash at 67 - 68, there will be plenty of boday in there to carry the hop flavours. I've brewed plenty of these in the past, and 80 - 100g late in the kettle is about as high as I'g go for a beer without any dextrine malts. They turn out fairly hoppy, but still have noticable malt flavour in there.

Go hard!
Thanks guys. Right, this is my next brew!

I'll drop the Crystal. Will be 4.5kg Bo pils and 150gm wheat for head retention.
the first belgian in a long time, to get something quaffable for summer and to grow some yeast for a bigger brew next week:

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 25.00 Wort Size (L): 25.00
Total Grain (kg): 6.22
Anticipated OG: 1.054 Plato: 13.32
Anticipated SRM: 6.9
Anticipated IBU: 30.8
Brewhouse Efficiency: 66 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
56.3 3.50 kg. Gladfield Pale NZ 1.038 2
16.1 1.00 kg. Vienna Malt Germany 1.037 3
16.1 1.00 kg. Wheat Malt Germany 1.039 2
6.4 0.40 kg. CaraRed 1.034 40
5.1 0.32 kg. Candi Sugar (clear) Generic 1.046 1

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
40.00 g. Styrian Goldings pellets 5.25 24.6 60 min.
10.00 g. Styrian Goldings pellets 5.25 6.2 15 min.


WYeast 1214 Belgian Ale
Brewed a Hefewiezen last week (see recipe further up), had a smackpack of 3056 Bavarian Wheat blend but it looks like the fucker is dead.

Smacked it early Friday morning alongside a "WTF Mick, you put the yeast in the freezer overnight!" pack of Wyeast 3333 German Wheat. By late Friday night, the German wheat was inflating, but the 3056 was doing jack all. I thought it'll be fine, and made a 1.5L starter and put it on the stir-plate. Morning time, looked either like it'd fermented out overnight (I've had it happen with the 1968), or it was dead. I went with the former, and pitched. Now 72 odd hours later, no action. It's dead. I've put the 3333 on the spinner, and that's at high krasuen. Should I just pitch that in and take it on the chin? It'll just be a plain old German wheat instead...

(The 3056 was from Craftbrewer, while over 6 months old, I was expecting at least some action. Not very happy about that...)
Pitch it!


Fuck. Opened the bung, doesn't smell good. Not rank, but something a little off. Yeast pitched anyway... this is looking like a mighty expensive drain pour.
Don't give up. :)

You may be able to offload it at a party. ;)

That's just yeast from the blow-off tube collection jug. Looks like my fastidious cleanliness (when it comes to brewing at least ;) ) paid off, doesn't smell off, but that sherry profile is coming through strong. That 3333 German wheat is a tough bastard, it got frozen overnight in the freezer yet it was at high krausen within 6 hours of pitching into a 1.5L starter (from a smack-pack) and fermenting the wheat within another 6!
Shit didn't see that one on the website! As per the Wyeast website, for each month add 1 day for activity.

I got a 6 month old 2112 from RB last year. I let it activate for a week (7 or 8 days), very minimal activity until it got into the fermenter.
Lol I didn't know that, bugger! I've only dealt with <2 month old liquid yeast, so it's always good to go within about two days. Moral of the story: patience. Oh well, fingers crossed it goes... at least the Summer Ale is fermenting nicely. Down to from 1.042 to 1.014 in 4 days and smelling great.


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