I know bro, I know.. Old tyres been sitting around in a garage for too long or something? Its fucked, but nothing I can do now but hope it gets fixed :o(
Its your typical - get insurance before you drive the car - type story tho eh? :oP
Oh James how wrong could you be!! you just cant replace your pride in joy!! You might be able to survive with no nuts but would you still feel like a man??, same us a car!!
Nice Mike, however I have been a car enthusiast since being a kid with all Dad's American muscle cars. Unfortunately I've loved and lost three cars and spent and lost too much money when the insurance companies screw your balls to the wall then don't pay out. Currently the car ideas are on hold while I raise a couple of kids and renovate houses, oh and brew beer!
Too right mike, even tho the heap of metal can be fixed (hopefully), the hole in my soul from this immense pain wont go away so easily :o( lol - To be fair tho I did spend 4 years getting it going and had it on the road for one day - Fuck!
Overall, im just glad nothing happened to Enzo! I know im lucky for us both to be ok, allthough I dont really feel very luck right now :o(