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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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You Scandanvians must be a thirsty bunch!! what was the brew lenght? 1000L man thats a few BBQ's but than again its the festive season!! so who knows!!
yeah I ended up with 1000 L in the conditioning tank, 250 less than I hoped, oh well.... if I didnt drink any other beer I recon I could get through it by new years:)
Yep, at Hashigo as the duty manager/guy-who-has-tried-all-the-beers. Pretty sure we need a sample of HopWired in that case... Heh heh:-P
sounds like my kinda job, nice! I'll send you a keg when it's ready and if you don't like i'll take it back at no cost, how does that sound?:)
I agree - cloudy is fine in my book and beers without isinglass are all good as you can upsell to the vegetarians. Tried some of the Training Wheels again last Sun and it was a little cloudy but developing well.
Rochefort 10 - complex aroma of dark fruits, raisins, plums, prunes, a hint of cherry and marmite, big chewy malt on the palate with a sweet but not cloying candy finish - what a great beer!! I nursed my one bottle last night over an hour and was enjoying it more and more as it came to room temp...

Alesmith IPA - Way to fizzy at first, and too cold at 6*c, so I left it to warm up and im so glad that I did, strong clean crisp hop aroma, citrus, lemon, pine sap, lashes of honey, bready and caramel malt up front which is then dominated by a grapefruit and citrus combo on the finish.. Its bitter, but not too bitter, perfectly balanced IMO!!

Wow - these two beers are definately going on my top 10 for 2009!!!
60 minute IPA, followed by Epic pale ale. At brew on quay for lunch.
I was glad to give the Dogfish Head a nudge but honestly the Epic was better.
Agreed.. having a Rochefort 10 now (to tell the truth it is my second).. It is amazing (I'm not a big fan of hop driven beers)

Golden Ticket ES - we'd love some feedback on ratebeer. Changed in the keg. Very tasty, even tho I did brew it.
Epic PA - very nice. Something different about this one (in a good way). Hopping schedule change maybe. Not sure. Drink had been taken
3 Boys Wheat - maybe not hitting the same heights it did at the start of spring. Lacked the amazing lemon zestiness but drinkable for a hot NW day in Chch
Just finished a pint of my Bob Hudson's clone - it's close but it's not right, still a great beer though. Gonna pick up a rigger this weekend and do a side by side.

Just opened a bottle of my American Mild that's been sitting in the fridge for like 3 months. This batch was so below par that I tipped half the keg out. I bottled a L that wouldn't fit into the keg an bottle conditioned it. It's got a real nice floral citrus aroma, that's followed by a sweet roastiness, it's actually like a toned down version of PKB or Emerson's Hoppy Porter. It's a little thin through the middle but I guess that's to be expected from a 3.1 beer, otherwise the hoppiness is similar in flavour to aroma, and a nice caramely roastiness, again like a small PKB/EHP, this is actually really fucking good. Too bad I kegged that batch, if I could have held onto it this like I would have been stoked!
Well the pug has just got its first wof and rego in around 4 years!! Yusss!! Been driving it all afternoon feeling young again lol

At Victoria Park NW today picked up a Sierra Nevada Anniversary ale and an Anchor Steam beer...

Drinking the Steam beer now, its ok, not really my thing, quite thin and bitter, somewhat unbalanced and im not too fond of the hop flavour either.. Oh well, it was good to try it..
Well, I guess it has to happen to most people at least once? I had my first car accident :o( When I got home I had a Sierra Nevada Celebration ale which was delicous, but I cant remember all too much about it lol..

My tyre blew out with Enzo in the car yesterday and I slid into a barrier in the pug :o( Enzo and myself are fine, but the pug has BIG frontal damage on the drivers side, some of it structural... Very gutted, but at least I sorted the insurance out the night before, but now its back in the shop again :o(


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