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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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OMG! that looks the beer of the year! looks like controlled and deliberate psycotic behavour, I love it! can I sign up for a bottle?:)
Have ytou used champagne yeast to bottle condition before (I havent yet)? Otherwise i'd be careful, there must be a lot of sugar in there to eat... i'd probably add it to the bucket, let it ferment what ever it can and then bottle it with a touch of sugar, or I might go the chicken route and force carb it in a keg and counterpressure fill the bottles... just thoughts.
are you gonna sanitize the honey or do you deliberately want some funk in there?
and I really love your ice-technique, thats something I've always wanted to do but I never had a chest freezer.
brew strong, in the true sense of those words!!
Im with Soren, id probably force carb in a keg and bottle from there... You dont want the champagne yeast to thin it out too much??
Ok Just took a Gravity reading 30.5P to 15P = 14.4% ABV 82% Atenuattion!! But man its undrikable!! it's Fucken Madness!! next up the big Freeze!!
wtf youre using plato nowadays??

14.4% mate, thats crazy, must be some hungry yeast!
Yeah I got a refrac its so much easyier!! its 1.129 to 1.020 its pretty thin but hopefully there should be loads of sugar left after the big freeze to balance it out well that was the plan anyway.
Mate.. I definately want a bottle if thats ok, swap ya for 2 or 3 of my beers lol
Yeah dude of course!!
oh, and where can I get my hands on some of that WLP007, that sounds like the shit!
Its pretty psycotic aye!! I think im alittle nuts doing it but what the hey this is what its all about, puching the limits!! Its tasting pretty nuts at the moment

Nah I havnt used Champange yeast to carb I have thought of force carbing it but Im getting viaried results as im not using a counter pressure I think it would be the best option!!

Yeah I can get you a bottle if you like.

Anyone know where I can get 72 new 330ml bottles? Sexy ones anyway not ones with monteiths or any shit like that on them!!

Mate I can get you some to you, the Gen is 1 spun a fresh vial than bottled it after that I have just spun up another 6L so can give you some of that. So it hasnt attenuated a full beer yet its all starter work.
Mate I can get you some to you, the Gen is 1 spun a fresh vial than bottled it after that I have just spun up another 6L so can give you some of that. So it hasnt attenuated a full beer yet its all starter work.

Any one get that? I didnt and I wrote it!!
WoW!!! Just chucked into keg after the big freeze after 30L I got a full full keg!! there was 9l of slushy poop and the rest was yeast. The taste? well not that strong alc but loads and loads and loads of smoke bitter chocolate, treacle, molases, but with a wicked mouthfeel, its almost thin and vinos!! Truly the only way to make a big big beer, this beer has to be around 17-20 percent!! Nice!!
I am quite motivated to Ice my own here. That sounds awesome Mike. Good work mate.

Big Cajones Brewing Company.

Thats you.


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