Yum, nice and malty with a firm bitterness, but not as firm as I expected, more balanced than the other west coast beers ive had so far! Hints of raisins, toffee and candy on the nose, big hop flavour up front something I couldnt put my finger on but it was nice, really nice! Finishes dry. Went down great while watching outrageous fortune!
Three Boys Golden Ale - Meh! Tastes like a non-crisp Steinlager. Did someone say Nelson Sauvin? I don't taste any. There's a reason why 99% of lightly malted beers are lagers.
Wow, thats the first time ive read anything bad about that beer... I am still yet to try it...
Personally I quite like light ales, like a cream ale for example, it has more body than a crisp pilsner which is sometimes quite nice... Each to their own...
I just had a taste of my RyePA which was kegged and carbed a couple of days ago, its nowhere near ready but man, its pretty savage, an insane bitterness which just lingers in a way that only chinook can I cant wait for the malt flavours to start coming through to balance it out a wee bit, not that it will, its a 3.4% beer with around 100 IBUs :o) Did I mention how awesome it smells??