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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Sanctuary APA No2.

6Kg Pale Malt 88.24%
700g Crystal Malt 10.29%
100g Carared 1.47%
25g Cascade whole flowers at 60
25g Nelson Sauvin pellets at 60
10g Cascade whole flowers at 15
10g Nelson Sauvin pellets at 15
5g Cascade whole flowers at flame-out
5g Nelson Sauvin pellets at flame-out
54 IBU ABV 6.5%

10g Cascade whole flowers dry hopped into secondary for 4 days
10g Nelson Sauvin pellets dry hopped into secondary for 4 days

As I've just drank the last glass of the APA that I was going to enter for the WBC APA comp. before I'd bottled my entry, I'm hoping that this one will be ready in time.
Sounds like an APA version of Hop Rocker, tasty bro!
I have to been procrastanating on what style type of beer I should brew for my first new borns head wetter, so here it is,

I dont know what to call it?

Strike Water

80% Kolsch Malt
20% Melanoidin Malt
64 Degree Mash

Run Off 34L of Wort at 1.045

Heat the wort and strike into this

7.93 kg Kolsch 51.94 %
1.53 kg Oats 10.05 %
1.07 kg Roasted Barley 7.00 %
610g Caramalt 4.00 %
610g Crystal Malt - 40L 90.8 EBC 4.00 %
610g Caramel 80L 157.6 EBC 4.00 %
610g Pale Choc 4.00 %
460g Carafa II 3.00 %
310g Molasses 2%

64 Degree Mash

200g Nugget @ 90 171IBU

SG?? Dont know probably around 1.130 - 1.140

Secondry with Honey, Expresso Coffee, Extra Dark Belgian Candi Sugar,

Of and yeast is WLP007
First new born??? WTF? Are congratulations to be in order Mike??
hohoho, merry christmas!!! I don't know what that is but that looks absolutely delicious!!!
congrats and "may your first child be a masculin child...":)

what kind of yeast is 007?
WLP007 is the Same as 002 but is is 70-80% Attenuative, I have brewed 1 beer with it and is supurb!! Nice malt and it didnt hinder the hops 1 single little bit!!

Cheers also babys in Feb so better get cracking into it!!
Congrats bro, awesome news :o) I knew you werent gonna get away for too much longer when you were telling us how much your wife loves kids ;o) lol

That beer looks pretty interesting, sort of like a reticulated mash, you should have a heap of enzymes in the wort from the first mash which will help your 2nd mash convert super quick!!!
i can vouch for the good relationship that Mike and WLP007 have formed.

and Mike - you've kept that baby under your hat for ages! my mind drifts back to His Majesty at Bar Edward.
Yeah I did mention it there didnt I or was it Anna? What I do remember though is His Majesty!!

Yeah half the reason for the Strike wort is for enzymes as there is alot of shitty powered malts in the second main mash and to give it a super charged malt feel to it. My feeling is it will be like a 18kg grist but with only the second 13kg realy being the main bad boy.

The beer is inspired by Dogfish Head World Wide Stout and Three Floyds Dark Lord
lol its definately going to be an insane beer, only you would think of something like that ;oP
Thought of a name Hammer and Sickle Russian Imperial Stout
Had a brain wave this beer is going to be a Siberian Stout, If you figure out what the process is I will give you a bottle!!


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