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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Haha, it definately does, but what can I say, its one of those cocktail bars I picked up off of trademe for a masssive $16 lol, so beggars cant be choosers ;o)
Three absolutely outstanding beers last night. I've drunk a hell of a lot of good beer in the last couple of months but these three would bow down to none of them.

Three Boys Golden Ale - Solidly bitter, clean, well attenuated and beautifully hoppy. Yhe best it has been since the first batch that came out... No, the best that it has been EVER.

Mike Neilson Beer X (?)- Big, strong, hoppy, hugely malty sweet but with nice dry finish... did I say big and hoppy!? Wow, stunning strong amber ale beer that seemed influenced by Dale Cooper's Amen and/or C&B's Monk's Habit (but, no offence to the two latter brewers, was a step above either).

Hallertau Pinot Porter 2007 - Yee haa! I felt compelled to send Steve Plowman a message, this beer is so good. A lovely soft complex finish to the evening's drinking. Descriptors don't do a beer like this justice. The second time I've had this beer and it is definitely one of my beers of the year - and up there with the best beers I've ever drunk. Not sure if there is any left at Regionals but they certainly have some of a latter batch. Worth much much more than the $16 I paid for 750ml.
Hallertau Pinot Porter

This was the one at Beervana? I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was confusing at first, I couldn't work out if I was drinking pinot or beer but once you put the confusion aside it turns into a fantastic experience.

Now, how to find a Mike Neilson Beer X...
I'm not sure if it was at Beervana, I never really got around to the other stands (something I really need to rectify next year).

I know that there is a pinot barrel aged beer from Dux de Lux - not sure if that was there - and Moa Dark Reserve is (I think) aged in old gewurztraminer barrels.
Hey Stu, if you want a second bite at the Dux Pinot Porter, I have a keg going on tap in the next week or so.
Just checked Regionals webby and it was the one going at Beervana. Lovin' the beer coming our lately in pinot styled wine bottles too. It's classy.
I tried the 2009 vintage on Sunday (BYDTTP barrel aged). Quite different to the '07 vintage. Seems to have a lot more fruits, bigger body, better overall. Perhaps a testament to the initial beer.
But last night it was:
3 Boys IPA (tap) - Quaffable hoppy goodness.
Rogue American Amber - Sweet malt body, good earthy bitterness.
Rogue Tracktown 200m IPA - Holy crap, 90IBU's of balanced hoppy goodness.
Twisted Hop Twisted Ankle - Rigger thanks to my wonderful girlfriend. It was roasty, fruity, complex - just how I remember it.
My fridge is empty, as is my bank account :)
So haven't been drinking anything :( will be stuck on 914 on ratebeer for a little while longer.
The Joys of Homebrewing aye!! Quality beer allways on hand!
I cant even remember the last time I paid for beer to drink at home ;oP
Thanks Tyler, if you sold your beer commercially, which i reckon you could do, I'd be on 1000 in no time :)
Maybe one day... Hopefully ;oP lol


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