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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Uriah, I agree with Nolen. Keep enjoying the beers that you currently like but also take time to explore the craft beers. Some are more easily obtainable than others but you can usually find Epic, Emersons, Tuatara & Green Man. Just slowly work your way through all of them and by the time you've finished you'll have a whole new perspective and appreciation.

As far as Black Ice is concerned, I haven't seen it for years. I think I saw some cheap Flame at Pak n Save recently, I always thought they were pretty similar.
Uriah, sorry, if this is the beer you enjoy then, all power to you. I remember when I first started rating beer, and yes I have tasted Black ice, was along time ago. but as Mr Cherry says explore new beers.

Flame is at Pak n Save. and going back to my notes, they were pretty similar.
Man screw u guys
Each to there own
I dont diss you for drinking whatever the fuck it is u drink
Ive been drinking the same beer since i was 12
Always has been black ice
I just cant find it these days
I only jumped on the forum to get some advice
Go fuck yourself Revild
Fuk you Tony
Fuck you Barry you sad pathetic fuck
And fuck u too beer legend, tryna apologize u old fuck
Mr cherry, nolen and nick........ ur still cool
Thanks for the advice

Choice bro, seems like drinking beer since you were 12 took its toll on your spelling.

We're on to a winner here boys.
Fuck u too deminglen
If u knew these forums were full of assholes with no lives I would've never bothered.
I saw this coming from a mile away. I had a whole post typed up in response to the comments left by the aforementioned "assholes" to the tune of: "good work fellas... way to make yourselves look like a bunch of elietist beergeeks", but didn't want to offend - so deleted it.

Good on you for standing up for yourself Uriah - and good on Andrew, Nolen and Nick for looking out for new members.

Dont forget that this is a public forum, and some people have different taste to others. Some peoples ideas of beer are obviously worlds away from others.

Don't discriminate the drinker. Discriminate the company who marketed their shitty product to the drinker.
Mind you... the forum is called "REAL beer".

I guess it just comes down to what people consider real beer to be.
guess it just comes down to what people consider real beer to be.

That'll be the Taste vs Image vs Price Per Litre formula - very big smarts required for that one

cheers, jt (puts cap on backwards and looks for calculata)
couldnt of said it any better
cheers joking
I admit I dont know jack about beer
I just buy the stuff and drink it,
Im just a guy that misses his beloved black ice :(
Tryna get some advice. But hey u live and u learn
FFS - this is a bit much isnt it???

Like, wtf??? Last time I checked I was just hassling, just poking a bit of fun, no need to get offended and tell everyone to go fuck themselves? Nice way to show your maturity level bro!

If my boss went and had a cry every time I gave him a ribbing about lion red, hed be a pretty sad man, but he just gives it straight back... Like you say, each to their own, but im still entitled to my opinion...
uuummmm....... we're all still friends, right?.......... ;-)
Uriah, as beer ledgend said Black Ice is still around if you look for it. (Much like finding this forum)

Otherwise as we are a brewing forum may I suggest:

Black Ice = Kit of Black Rock Amber, NZ Lager Enhancer, S05.


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