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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Ha ha, he probably meant WOW, not WoW.
I had SEVERAL pints (well, actually there weren't really pints) at the launch evening and thought it was d*mn drinkable then. ...Steve, I hope you appreciate how much I had to go against my principles to walk in to that place! ;-) ...I'll have to have to swallow my pride and go in there again to give it another try.

Was at D4 yesterday evening and had some Tuatara Porter off the hand pump. Nice and fresh this time (last time I had it there it was getting a bit stale). However, it was WAY too cold.
Mikkeller Single Hop Nelson Sauvin IPA... Hashigo Zake... nice!
Currently drinking export 33% better
Hey does anyone know what ever happened to Black ice beer
I cant find it anywere???
Had my first Epic IPA tonight, damn it was wicked! So much flavour in these beers, and to think that about six months ago i thought Oranjeboom was the be all and end all of beers (don't ask me why). Also picked up a six pack of Tuatara Helles. First time i had seen it at Waekanae new world (the town in which it is brewed) Very easy to drink, i like it.
Export 33 and black ice?????????? Are you serious?
He wants to be more of a man :)
Do you think Uriah is on the waiting list for Tui Blond as well
ROTFL, stop please, I think I'm going to piss myself. Thats hilarious
Do you think he now gets jokes 33% faster than Tom Keith or Akram?
everything must surely be 33% better for him now? ;o)
Come on guys, how about using your knowledge and experience to suggest some introductory / crossover real beers worth trying to Uriah, he probably needs a decent drink now after all that ribbing! If you are used to Export 33 / Dry then 'real' beers can be a bit of a taste challenge, what about a mild IPA or APA? Emersons 1812? Rennaissance Pale Ale?
Uriah, don't let these knuckleheads rib you without giving it back! They don't have anything better to do, they're all only 33% productive at work, the rest of the time they're on RealBeer.

If you're new to craft beer, I'd maybe suggest starting with something like Tuatara Helles. The hoppiness won't be a shock to you're palate. Then, as NickT says, try something like Emersons 1812 or something similar. ..my 2 cents.


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