Hi Uriha, Hope you are feeling a little bit better about it all now. In reality these guys are actually pretty good fellas when you get to know them a bit better, they just got a bit carried away this time, a fit of the giggles or something like that. If you look through the various threads on the forum you will see that they normally do go to a lot of effort to help people out. If it makes you feel any better, this is what happened to the last guy they picked on when he joined RealBeer:
Permalink Reply by Tony on October 2, 2009 at 8:45am
Went to Galbraiths, yesterday afternoon. They have just released their seasonal 'Warminster ale' (?). It's a lovely pale ale, with lots of toffee, crystal notes coming through. Very smooth and light, for a 6.1%. Forgive me I may have the name wrong, but you'll know it when you see it on the blackboard.
I went round to Tyler's place last night to use his mill, and took round a bottle of PKB 2009 to compare with my own Robust Porter. I've been very happy with my Porter but PKB knocked it clean out of the water. Damn you Yeastie Boys!!!
Im sure i posted here but its disappeared, what I said was thanks to Martin for bringing round my first 2009 taste of PKB which was very impressive!! A lovely taste which I could only describe as christmas cake??? lol, it was definately a damn good beer!! Its NZ cascade isnt it Stu?? Im thinking the NZ cascade has a character that works quite well in dark beers, Sorens hopped up scotch ale also had a similair christmas cake character to it, I might have to brew something with the flowers I have in the freezer...
And Martin, your Porter was pretty much completely different to PKB, so much so that I didnt want to compare the two to each other because I really liked both, with yours on the first sip, instantly I was loving that rich silky 'liquid chocolate' mouthfeel that I remembered from Anniversary day mk I, a nice balance of chocolate with a hint of roast on the palate! Yum!!
Yeh... it's Sauvin, Cascade and Styrian Golding
Cascade is the dominant hop for sure. And if anyone tells you they can taste or smell Sauvin they are probably imagining it (it's only in at 90min).
Last night I shared a bottle of His Majesty IPA after work, courtesy of Stu. Tasting just as amazing as it was from the tap. Warmer and less carbonated though, which was great.
Followed with a Mikkeller Tjekkt Pilsener, very solid pilsener - very German tasting.
Then a Lighthouse Victory Ale - Very nice, fruity, spicy. Surprisingly good!
Finished with a Hog's Back A over T Barley Wine for a night cap - Nice, spirit like alcohol present. Sweet, fruity and nicely drinkable.
Belgian?? I've never noticed anything remotely Belgian about Monks - it's a straight West Coast-ish IPA to me. I avoided it for ages thinking it was a Belgian (I know, I'm weird) but then fell in love with it as soon as I tried it.