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I was nervous about Using a 3KW but im not now I reacon its perfect.
I use 2 kW for up to a 40L boil - I find it spot on. Not too much boil off at all: it gives a nice smooth rolling boil. Just do what mike says above (switch it on when the element is covered) and by the time the kettle is full - she nearly up to heat.
Recently got some EKG and Galaxy from CB, was planning on doing an IPA with Simcoe and Galaxy, but dont have any S-05 in the fridge and only have some nottingham :o(

So ive come up with this sort of british type summer ale thingo, im gonna call it EKGalaxy Im thinking the spicy/earthy ness from the galaxy will go well with the EKG and also add a hint of passionfruit which might be quite nice... Only one way to find out!

3.45kg Golden Promise
460g Vienna
460g Wheat
184g Medium Crystal
46g Munich II

FWH - 12g Galaxy 13.4%
20 - 20g EKG 4.8%, 5g Galaxy 13.4%
5 - 15g EKG 4.8%, 5g Galaxy 13.4%
Dry - 25g EKG 4.8% - and maybe 5-10g Galaxy after assessing hydro samples...

Nottingham dried yeast
Going to brew this APA once ive finished my first brew today Ill run the chiller and stop it when i get to 30*, put it into the fermenter then by lunch time tomorrow it should be perfect pitcing temp... Will give me a chance to pop out at lunch time, buy a packet of S-05 and quickly pitch ;o)

4.4kg Golden Promise
300g Vienna
150g Cara Pils,
150g Cara Red

FWH - 5g Nugget 11.6%
30 - 4g Amarillo 8.6%, 4g Simcoe 12.2%
20 - 6g Amarillo 8.6%, 6g Centennial 9.7%, 6g Simcoe 12.2%
10 - 8g Amarillo 8.6%, 8g Columbus 14.2%, 8g Simcoe 12.2%
0 - 18g Amarillo, 12g Centennial, 12g Columbus, 12g Simcoe
Dry - 12g Amarillo, 12g Centennial, 12g Columbus, 18g Simcoe

James i use the MashMaster Temperature controller kit for heating with a 3kw and it works great. You still need to come and see my set up. 45 litres up to 80 deg in around 40 - 50 mins.
Finally got around to this one, slightly stressful, had to rush my daughter off to ballet ( I know, its my Monday highlight) mid boil, and rush back just in time for the 10min additions.

Blanche de Bambule

3kg ADM Pils
2.5kg Wheat
0.5kg Vienna
0.3kg Oats
20g Styrian Goldings @60min
20g Coriander Seed 5min
20g Orange Peel 10min
Wyeast 3711PC
OG 1.047

Watch out for that bottle of yeast I gave you Mike, mine fizzed everywhere before I managed to get it into the starter, poor practice on my part, still it was good enough to get it going by this morning.
Open it straight into starter you say!!
Yes, its hyperactive. As long as you catch most of it you'll be fine.
This Thursday night, another pale ale following the success of our attempt at something like Epic PA (turned out probably more bitter than Epic - Beertools tells me 70IBU) with the bitterness toned down a little and the addition of some Motueka.

Hat tip to Joking for the Epic clone recipe (no idea where you posted it, but we used it).

For a 75L batch:
12.8 kg. Golden Promise Pale
3.3 kg. Maris Otter Pale
1.35 kg. Crystal Malt 90°L
100 g. Cascade (Pellets, 8.2 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
110 g. Cascade (Pellets, 8.2 %AA) boiled 10 minutes.
55 g. Motueka (Pellets, 8 %AA) boiled 10 minutes.
110 g. Cascade (Pellets, 8.2 %AA) boiled 1 minute.
55 g. Motueka (Pellets, 8 %AA) boiled 1 minute.
Yeast: Fermentis US-05 Safale US-05
220 g. Cascade (Pellets, 8.2 %AA) dry hop
110 g. Motueka (Pellets, 8 %AA) dry hop

Vital Statistics
Original Gravity: 1.050
Terminal Gravity: 1.011
Color: 13.18 SRM
Bitterness: 47.6 IBU
Alcohol (%volume): 5.1 %
All done, 68L fermenting away happily at 20C (missed the volume by a bit, for the sake of keeping the OG up). Thanks to an extra element in the kettle, the whole thing only took four and a half hours including most of the cleanup. Love that shit!
Got my next two brews planned... I generally plan ahead a few brews going by what yeast I have in the fermenter, as I try to get a good run off of each pack of yeast ;o)

Amarillo Ordinary Mk II, will hopefully brew this mid week sometime...

3.2kg Golden Promise
400g Vienna
200g Medium Crystal
120g Cara Amber
80g Brown

90 - 10g Nugget 11.6%
20 - 12g Amarillo 8.6%
5 - 12g Amarillo 8.6%

Fermenting this with 2nd Gen Nottingham, last time I used 1469 and didnt have the Vienna in there, so will be interesting to see how this turns out, probably not as good tho ;oP lol

And Cream Ale Mk II, planning to get this one down on sunday...

2.49kg Golden Promise
720g Flaked Maize
90g Munich II
90g CaraPils
36g CaraMunich II

60 - 5g Nugget 11.6%
15 - 15g Amarillo 8.6%, 12g Simcoe 12.2%
0 - 12g Amarillo, 12g Simcoe

I have 2 brews Planned this Weekend!!

My Imperial IPA Version II

60% Kolsch
20% Pils
6% Carapils
4% Caramalt
10% The good stuff
Mash Hop of NZ Cascade Flowers

Than its
First Wort of Simcoe
100Ibu of Chinook @ 90
50Ibu od Columbus @ 60
30 mins and less its Simcoe, Centenial, Amarillo and Cascade,

10% Alc

F'n Oats Bro

60% Kolsch
10% Oats
10% Wheat
10% Roast Barley
6% Caramunich II
4% Melanoidin or Light Crystal??

100% Nugget through out the Boil hopped up like a US Stout

6% Alc

If anyones woundering what the wheats in there for its for extra silkyness as im scarred if I use to many oats it will come out gluey.


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