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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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I don't know how the NZ styrian compares to the imported, but if it was imported I'd probably go with that as the final hop and Pacifica as secondary hop, or all styrian. Riwaka is to fresh for this, imo. The hops are not the main player in this beer, i think?
What are JZ's additions in the recipe?

EDIT: Haha found my copy of BCS

He uses EKG, why not just use some NZ Goldings?

Or I'd use the Styrian if you don't want to buy any, if you're following the recipe the flameout addition is only 9g, I reckon it would be fine.
I'd go for Pacific Hallertau for a bittering at 60min and no other hop additions. Let the malt and yeast drive the flavour & aroma.
Thanks peeps. I actually have EKG, but might try out Hallertau...
I'd go with a combination of NZ Styrians and Pacific Hallertau. Say both for bittering and then a late addition of the Styrians.
Hoping to do a smoked porter this weekend, anybody got experience with this? I plan on using all smoked malt (weyermanns) for the base, is that excessive? or maybe not enough, shall I top it up with a pinch of peated?:P I'm not afraid of smokiness but obv I dont want it to be undrinkable either...
Nah mate use all weyermann smoked for the base, I wouldnt top it up with peated cos its a different type of smoke flavour.. Biggest tip I can give is to get rid of all the chlorine in your water before you mash cos it makes an incredible difference!!
Yo mean the chlorine makes a bigger impact because of the smoke? fortunately we are blessed with very clean water down here:)
Mike Neilson makes a great smoked porter. I think he said it about 70% smoked malt. Tasted fantastic.
yeah, if I do the entire base in smoked, that will probably end up around 70% plan on a fair whack of special malts...:P Did Mike's need a bit of aging? Jamil says he uses 19% in his and sometimes that needs 6 months before it is drinkable. Jamil's a great brewer for sure, but sometime I think he's a bit of a pussy and extreme style nazi:)
And to go in a slightly different direction this is the grist for Stone's Smoked Porter (BYO Dec 08)

4.90kg 2-Row
0.34kg Crystal 75
0.79kg Choc malt
0.11kg Lightly-peated malt

Perle @ 60
14g MtHood @ 15 mins.

OG 1.064, 53IBU, SRM 55, 68C mash


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