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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Cheers Mike. Yeah I did keep that one quiet. It was my first fruit beer and didn't know what to expect. A bit experimental really. Glad you liked it. It's nearly all gone too :-(

Rev - No that's not the CS beer. My Case swap beer is far more experimental than Pink Panther. But don't worry, it won't make your balls hurt regardless of what it says on the label ;-)
2009 JP. mmmmm, interesting, tasty. looks like a porter, smells like a dubbel spiced with ouzo and tastes like liquorice gum i used to chew as a kid, I like it!. everybody says it will age well, but i'm not so sure, its tasty at the moment (although slighty harsh maybe), the esters are strong but i think it is relying more on the spices though. that would be intersting to observe though as I dont have much experience with aged spiced beers.
I've got a dozen, so i will let you know.
Epic Armageddon !!!

So where did you source that so quick?
yeah, where did you get the Armageddon? It only started shipping yesterday. Only one place I can think.... Malthouse
Anywhere on the north shore getting bottles in Luke?
I'm saving myself for next Friday at Brew on Quay. That's right, that's what I'm doing.
So am I, but i still want a bottle for comparison purposes of course ;o)
Shared a bottle from the South Island batch with Craig at Poms

Cheers Craig for sharing that again - it was a great beer
I should have guessed you Pom's Bar Flies would have been harrassing poor CB for that! :)

I am a little disappointed that my local supplier will not get his shipment until after 6pm tonight, possibly tomorrow....

Who is the first on the delivery list in CHCH Craig?
Fresh Choice Parklands and Halswell New World have it, so too the Thirsty Weta. Barkers Lodge in Methven if you are down that way. More to follow next week

Look out for Press review next week possibly.



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