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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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I reckon your anniversary day porter would make a good base for a bourbon vanilla addition!! I still have about 4 litres of so left of my Bourbon Vanilla Porter, its not a beer I reach for all the time, but im sure youll drink it all eventually :o) Even if it does mean just putting half the batch under the stairs for a year or more :o)
If it's any help JZs straight porter and raspberry porter were both very good beers, good do with a little tweaking for me but which beer doesn't? I'd say the CHP would be pretty spot on too.
I'd say brew the Anniversary Day Porter now and save JZ's Choc Hazelnut Porter or a Vanilla Bourbon Porter for the next case swap. That way you only have to drink roughly half.

That's what I'm doing for this case swap, a beer that I've been curious about brewing but probably wouldn't want a full batch of it.

Also, if you split boil your wort in seperate pots (like me) and if you have enough fermenters, you can split your porter wort in half and add a twist to one half and ferment them seperately. That way you get to drink the base beer and the twisted version side by side. I've been doing a lot of brews in this manner and it works well.
Sorry to jump in, but does anyone have the data for Gladfield Ale base malt to input to Beersmith? Thanks
Hey guys, im thinking of doing a nice malty english IPA, its been a while since ive brewed one so would be keen for any critique... Im going for a toasty, malty beer, with a spicy earthy hop flavour and aroma, I know Columbus isnt english (or williamette even tho they may as well be), but for some reason I think it might work with this???

68% Pale
20% Munich
4% CaraAmber
4% Brown
2% Dark Crystal
2% CaraMunich II
90 : 8g Nugget 11.6%
20 : 10g Columbus, 20g Williamette, 10g NZ goldings
10 : 15g Columbus, 15g Williamette, 10g NZ Goldings
FO : 15g Columbus, 20g Williamette, 10g NZ Goldings
Probably S-05, but might try 1469 or 1026??
Bump?? No one??
That would be a good recipe if you had some 1968...
1968 u say?? What does it have over the 1026?
The malt bill looks good to me.
I'm a fan of complex malt bills
I haven't used WY1026, but I imagine it should be good from the desciption on CraftBrewer.
I've used WY1968 and WY1469 and have been very happy with both.
What Should I Brew?

I have a window this afternoon/evening to get a brew down...I"m just not sure what? MY kegs are empty but I have an ordinary nearly done and an IPA dry hopping at present.

In stock I have:

Marris Otter (c10kg)
Pale/Medium/Dark Crystal
Munich (2kg)
Caramunich 2
Pale & Reg Choc
Roast Barley

Lots of Colombus,
NZ Styrian

SO5, Nottingham - Dry
1469, 1187 (ringwood ale), 1332 (northwest)

Any suggestions?

I see potential for a robust porter or stout there - anything else? Very keen to do something Belgian - but the only suitable yeast I have is some 3787 that Reviled gave me thats been in the fridge for about 5 months...
Get that Ringwood Ale yeast out and knock out an easy drinking UK Blonde ale. Use that Columbus all the way through, and SMaSH it with your Maris Otter,

You'll be drinking it by the end of next week!
could be a goer- I've got an English Mild with ringwood about to go in the keg so I may just scoop up some yeast from that.


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