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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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lol, its only 14grams out of a kilo bro ;o)

Not aiming for a US brown, more of a best bitter type beer with a US hop kick, thats why ive got small additions and no FO/dry hopping...
Oh yup, looks tasty.

I'd still save that amarillo though :-P
Bro you wont get hops out of that yeast with that much I reacon!! The same beer with 1056 over the caseswap is a hop bomb over the 1469

This is last year's non-smoked version with part of the base malt (was 90%) replaced with smoked and the late hop additions removed.

60% Pale (most likely Maris Otter for a partial mash plus pale extract to hit target OG)
30% Smoked
5% Crystal 15
4% Crystal 80
1% Chocolate

OG approx 1.100

60min bitterring hops only with BU:GU ratio of 0.7

Any thoughts?
Is that enough smoked malt?
Any late hop additions?
Bitter enough?
It depends on what brand of smoked malt that is. If Weyermann... you may want a bit more. If bairds smoked distilling malt - you will want way way way less.
I was planning on Weyermann's from Liberty. How much more would you go for, 50%?
I think that 30% could work - but in my experience with Weyermann, it is a very subtle flavour contributor. At the end of the day - it depends on what you are goiing for in your beer. 30% might be spot on... I know that at 30% it will be a very mild smokey flavour...

If you are after a "Smokin Bishop" type of smokeyness - it could be worth investigating further, a more suitable percentage.

I remember having Mikes Smoked Porter - made with 90% smoked malt, and it was a very balanced smokyness. It may have been that it competing against the roast that it seemed so subtle.

I think that 50% may be a good starting point - and for your next smoked barleywine, you'll have a definate baseline of where your recipe needs to be.

Mike and Reviled will be able to comment further for you mate.
As joking said, the peated malt is much more powerfull and 30% would be far too much. I think weyermanns would go better here. I think I might have gone with 30-40% weyermanns and maybe a couple of percent of peated to add some dimension to the smoke....

Peated has a much more sharp and aggressive smokiness, the german one is more mellow and rounded.
that might be a good idea. I've never made a fully smoked beer but from memory I think the german rauchbiers are made with up to 100% smoked. I certainly think 30% is going to be less smoked than the bishop, if that's what you're going for...?

Here is my challenge.... I am going to attempt my first AG brew tomorrow, with first-time use for my
grain mill
chilly-bin mash tun
boil pot

If that wasn't enough to think about, I need to work out some kind of recipe too.

I have had a friend suggest this, based on me really enjoying his beer from this recipe:
90% base malt
10% crystal for colour (aiming for 8-9 srm) and malt sweetness.
4 to 5% alc
25IBU's if for 'general' consumption (35 BU's if it's for my consumption) 10 Bu's bittering the rest is cascade at 30 mins 10 mins and flameout.
Safale -05 1 week

Dryhop Cascade 10 days (approx 30gms)

and I have
Cara-Aroma 1.9kg
Cara-Red 0.8kg
Black Patent 0.7kg
Chocolate 1.2kg
Dark Crystal 2.2kg
Brown Malt 2.3kg
Crystal 0.9kg
Melanoidin 2.6kg
Roast Barley 1.9kg
Carafa 2 1.9kg
Caramunich 3 1kg
Czech Cara 2.1kg
Bairds Cara 4.1kg
Amber 6.8kg
Vienna 5.3kg
Munich 8kg
Weyerman Pils 18kg
Golden Promise 18kg
Maris Otter 20kg

Riwaka Saaz
Pacific Gem


and this is my first time using beersmith. I've never dry-hopped.

I've been brewing ME + grains for about a year.


Pils base


Makes a nice pilsner type beer (similar to emmersons)
Now we know who bought Andrews grain good to see it went to another realbeerer!! Your Idea for a recipe sounds good!! I like to Split crystals but thats neither here nor there, Aim for around 60 - 70% IBU to SG and it will be bang on!!


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