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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Mmmmmm, IPA showdown ;o)

Isnt PKB a black IPA anyway ;oP lol
Mid-June? When are you brewing it, or have you already?

Have you considered blogging a YeastieBoys brew day so that us dreamers can visualise it, or would that be giving away to much?
1056 @ 21deg.

This will be ready mid-June too. I think a porterfest is a great idea. As long as people try my beer first before their tastebuds are ruined. ;)
Im brewing this on sunday after an afternoon at Leigh Sawmill for the 1st time :o) All American APA - when I was weighing out all the hops the lounge reeked of piny resinous hops, it was awesome!!!

4.5kg Global Pilsner (my last lot - managed to squeeze 8 brews out of one sack which I was stoked about!)
500g Munich
200g Cara-Munich III
700g Rice - cooked untill mush and added to the mash...

FWH : 15g Centennial 8%, 15g Amarillo 8.6%
15 : 15g US Cascade 5.8%, 15g Centennial 8%, 15g Chinook 11.4%, 10g Columbus 14.2%, 10g Amarillo 8.6%
0 : 10g Cascade, 10g Centennial, 10g Chinook, 10g Columbus, 10g Amarillo
Dry : 15g Cascade, 20g Centennial, 20g Chinook, 10g Columbus, 20g Amarillo
Watch that I am a Craftbrewer video!!!!!!!!!!!!! they state the do not add rice!!!!!!! it seems you maybe breaking their balls!!! Up your Cara bro!!
Whats wrong with rice? Its just like sugar innit? I told a mate in aus id give it a go so why not? and 200gms of Cara is heaps, I want this beer to say HOPS!!! :o)
Mate the Cara rides the Hops out like a hooker getting twice her price!!!!!
Hahaha, I know, but 200gms of darkish crystal should be more than enough? What amount are you suggesting? 250gms?
So yeah - Whats wrong with rice??
It dependeds on type of rice, im all fine for basmati or jasmine rice, but im right against uncle bens!!! Its like eatting Maggots
lol - was planning on using good ol home brand white rice cuz :o)
Hmmm Homebrand rice not familiar with the brand, how does it preform as a say Pilau? should chuck the rice in a blender and make a paste with it and add it to strike water, I wounder if it will make it to sticky though? but at least then you will know every bit of rices starch got converted!!


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