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Any comments (other than use the search function) on which is the easier/better program to use for AG brewing?

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Beersmith is my weapon I have promash also but its a little to technical for my simple brain!!
Don't forget Beer Tools Pro
http://www.beertools.com/ I'm a pretty big fan of it since they have an OSX version. It's a little tricky to use in places (particularly getting the volumes correct in the schedule), it's not open source, but does the job nicely.

awesome - was wondering about mac os
Beersmith for me, but it's purely a preference thing. I tried the demo version of Promash, and just found it hard to focus on being creative for all the options! :)
Yup Beersmith for me too. I found Pro mash pretty conveluted and not as user friendly.
Or you could be a tight ass like me and use this little free piece of s/w ;o)

Never tried anything but ProMash and loving it. There's a bit of a learning curve, but after a batch or 2 you'll be straight into it.
BeerSmith for me. I tried ProMash once and just couldn't get into it. I find BeerSmith pretty user-friendly, and it does all I want.

Haven't quite got the hang of creating custom mash profiles though. I wanted to put a beta-glucan rest in for my Oatmeal Stout but couldn't figure out how. Worked OK without it anyway, so no harm no foul.
I have Beersmith, Promash and Beertools Pro.

I prefer the latter - it is awesome... they just released an update, and now you can easily adjust your water profile as part of your recipe / schedule. You can do the same with promash, however it's not as tactile as the beertools.

You can adjust /customise absolutely every facet of every input in beertools - be it hops, malt, HLT, MLT, kettle - you name it - it's a right click away.

I love it!

I love hops too.
Promash. I "borrowed" it off Brendon a few years back and ended up buying it after I rebuilt my pc last year. i ndidn't find it hard to understand, or get into... it has everything you could ever want, and more. I'm slowly getting around to adding my own ingredients but have mostly used the ones that came with the package up until a month or two ago.

I write down all my recipes too... as a backup (and paper is more archive friendly than digital).
Promash for me, bought it when the dollar was more favourable. Have never used Beersmith so can't comment.

Also write everything down, you just never know....
Theres a tip about the $$$ if youre buying now, get the product key through craftbrewer, works out a bit cheaper than paying USD (cheers studio1)


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