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Hey folks,
Was hoping to get some advice as to where I can buy, or how I can make a nice big boiling pot. About 20-30L... Or something close, in case they don't come that big.
I live in Dunedin and I'm straight outa' Lo-cash.

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I bought that from payless plastics for $120 on special last year. They have them for $199 at the moment and were on special for $140 last month.

Just try and get one with a tap hole to make life easier.
Pffft, building a mash tun means work :oP Dare I say - Have you heard of BIAB? Then you dont need a mash tun just a big ass pot and $10 worth of Swiss Voile material.. Still makes awesome AG beer with minimal cost setting up, no sparging, plus you can allways look into a mash tun later if you dont like it..

www.biabrewer.info ;o)
Check out JoKing's mash tun set up using a 38L fermenting bucket. Pure genius and I am going to copy it when I up grade my tun (barring any trade mark issues, that is).
Intriguing... Where could I have a gander at this setup?
Yeah look at Jokings Photos it every where!!
Just have a look at his page- can't miss it
Yeah - there are heaps of shots of the setup... didn't cost too much - the kettle was the most expensive part (from trademe... look up coffee urn) The mash tun was free... there's like $20 of Gorilla Filla on it - the manifold on the inside is pretty much like James_Ps...

The HLT isn't necessary... Pump isn't necessary... JZ Whirlpool Immersion Chiller isn't necessary...

But they make brewing more gun though.
I just wish I'd followed the advice I got when I asked a similar question 6 months or so ago, and gone really big. I got a 38L pot which is fine, but have upgraded since to a converted 50L keg which is still too small! You can always boil less in a big pot, but the reverse doesn't work so well... If I was doing it again I'd start with a 70L pot (assuming I could find one).

On a similar subject - anyone using old hot water cylinders for their HLT or brew kettle out there? What would I need to look out for if I want to do the same?

Oh, and yes - a decent chillybin will hold your mash at a fairly constant temp for that long. The bigger the volume the more constant the temperature will be - generally I drop about a degree over 75min.
Hey V-Dog, Barry uses two hot water cylinders for both his HLT and kettle with two electric elements, makes for a nice looking set up!
Does it make any difference whether the cylinders are copper or stainless?
His are copper, stainless would be better I guess for Beer Porn, but coppers more traditional ;o)
With copper you feel more like a hill billy distiller eh Bazza?


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