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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Possibly, looks like there's only about 3 pints left from the condensation though.

It has got remarkably better over the last two weeks. Was kinda thin and watery to begin with but surprisingly has fulled out quite a bit and become quite round in flavour, I'm guessing getting it at the right temp with the right level of carb played a big part.

I really think that there's just too much happening in it for a special bitter. I've got some of the WYeast equivalent of 002 so will use this and go back to basics with the recipe next time and hopefully pull something together.

It's funny, I don't really like bitters that much but the fact that every time I brew one it never lives up to my expectations just makes me want to keep brewing them.
Well after yesterdays discussion on Emersons Oatmeal Stout, I found a bottle at Liquorland in Newmarket.
May be pretty old, but will see how it holds up tonight.

Also have a six pack of Coopers Sparkling Ale to get through over the weekend as well.

Tuatara Hef, probably shouldn't have drank it straight from the fridge, but it's warming up. Mmmm, bananas abound. Yay holidays! Bloody lazy students.
Nothing........... :oP

Yet, but I did just go and keg my Southern Cross/US cascade APA and force carb it so when I get home ill be supping on that, for testing purposes of course ;o) Maybe followed by a case swap beer - ill see how I go as I dont seem to want to drink as much after working all night :o(
Still got a bitch of a cold. Sipping on a glass of whiskey I made over two years ago and has been on oak since (and still is), hella strong vanilla and maple and pretty smooth.
I've just had some of my roggenbier. I put a fair amount of research into it today, and it turns out that there is a comparitively high amount of beta glucan in the rye. Interesting, as this lends itself to a high viscosity in the beer, and I certainly noticed it today. I reckon that if I had used more CaraMunich (like I had planned to) it would have been spot on.

Neverthe less - lovely clove aroma and taste - very interesting mouthfeel, caramel, munich, rye spice... banana... it's pretty good.

Almost worth the nightmare it was to brew.
Porter. At room temp as my keg fridge got left ajar last night. I'm kind of glad because it tastes awesome. Might bring some down tomorrow night for you Reviled.
Mean :o) It would be most welcome!
Whats the Carb like? you added more to lesson the Sperm like viscousness?
I'll give some to Jo and he can pass judgment :P
Carbonation is medium to high... But no head retention. I can add any more! My reg lets go at 4 bar, and I've had it at 3.5 bar since Friday... I guess thats it! It's just too thick to let the CO2 in.

Thanks for the offer Barry - I'll have to disapoint though.
It is tasty though! Are you going to use the Rye again?


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