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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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"Flat Stanley"
I enjoyed Invercargill Stanley Green, via handpump at Buster Crabb last week, so much so that I put in an order for a 20L bag. What's a bag? Uncarbonated beer in a bladder within a box, much like a cask wine. The theory I've got is to put it in a corny and get it to about 1 volume... but I'm heading back for my third pint of the flat* stuff. Under $6/litre delivered to my door! Great for people pressed for time.

* It's not flat flat, probably about 0.5 volumes.
Nice one! why gont hook it up to your hand pump? (20L in a day maybee not) I have dreams about getting myself a pin, stillage and a hand pump!! and do these sorts of things anyone point me into the right direction?
Wouldn't worry about the PIN - use a corny with the handpump then you can cap it, gas purge it to take the oxygen out and bring it back tomorow. Not strictly real ale in the sense of serving but you can do everything else legit up until that step.
Oh - and if anyone wants beer in bag orders - Stanley, Pitch Black or Twisted Hop for that matter - drop me a line.

Nice, I was thinking of turning a corny into a cask, but there is to much involed in increasing size of line etc!! and thought it might be easyier to just buy a pin. Dont quote me on this but the beer in the bag is supposably the new poly pin in the UK? hook up you hand pump and pull the beer out? the only problem is that it is under carbed abit?
Yeah it can be but sparkler v no sparkler can change the carbonation feel anyway. The purists will frown but it means you can get bright beer around the country relatively cheaply. With my limited real ale knowledge - the beer can lose condition once spilled anyway but assuming the outlet turns it over quickly enough you shouldn't notice. If they're not selling it fast enough I assume it could be a different story.
Beer in the bag positive: shipping is CHEAP (and only one way). I do wonder if an HDPE "jerry can" would hold more condition, be more robust, and be as cheap (or cheaper to buy).

Mike - I use my corny with handpump often. To make it a decent long term set up you'd need a cask breather and they aren't cheap. Alternatively I'd need a few beer drinking flatmates!
I was thinking of purchasing another lid and turning that into the part with the spile and pick up, the pick up tube would sit just above the lees. then once your finished chuck the normal lid on purge with C02 like normal? would it work? possibly use the smaller 9l corny and drink it over the weekend? i cant see why It wouldnt work? can you?
Mike, theres a thread on AHB somewhere about serving real ale from a 20litre 'cube' or jerry can with a hand pump, but the guy said when hes at home he just uses the plastic tap to dispense and hes really happy with it... The cubes can hold the low volumes well, and theyre cheap as shit $20 from plastic box...
I have thought about this the only thing with 20L is i struggle to get through it in 2 weeks let alone 2 days as the cask ale lose condition fast!! can you get them in 10L?
Yep super cheap sell 10litre Blue Willow jerry cans... Heres the link to AHB, scroll down and theres a link to the piss up they had with it connected to a handpump..

Got a big stash of beer for my 40th from friends , the good old New World import single bottles,
Working through about 20, the sort of beer that you wouldn't buy yourself but ok to drink.
So last night was Gosser and a Stella.


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