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Anyone frequent this store?

Found them listed on a few different breweries websites, just wondering if it was worth going in to check out?

Any recommendations for liquor stores in Central or East Auckland?


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I say give it a go, recently Liquorland on the shore has quite a good selection of craft beers, I regularly go to Liquorland Albany highway!

Oh, and i think theres some wicked wine place in ponsonby who do craft beers, cant remember the name tho and havnt been there myself..
I've been to Liquorland in Newmarket a few times, and always been impressed with their selection. They have a whole bunch of NZ craft beers - Emersons, Green Man, Harringtons, Renaissance, Invercargill, Wigram, Three Boys, Brew Moon, Whitecliffs (I think?), Croucher etc. Plus a decent selection of overseas stuff, particularly the english and belgian ones. Great place to lose half an hour and as much cash as you've got on you.

Other than that, Vic Park new world is probably the best supermarket selection in Auckland, plus Foodtown at Sylvia Park has quite a bit of English beer and a few german / belgians (but oddly, no NZ craft beer at all). I've also heard that the wine shop in Mt Eden village has a good selection, but haven't been there personally so can't confirm. I'd guess that the Ponsonby store Reviled is talking about is Glengarry on Jervois Rd, but again haven't been there so not totally sure.
Don't know this one. My fav is New World college hill. Got Pilsener Urquell for $9.95 per 6 pack at the mo. The Glengarrys near there in town is pretty good too.
La Vino is the wine shop in Ponsonby (on Williamson Ave). Not bad (that's relative to other Auckland bottle stores).

sorry Sam, early this year La Vino turned into Glenngarrie.

Dredging up this one...Just stopped by LL Newmarket for the first time in a year or so. Wow, they've really worked on their selection. As well as all the usual NZ suspects, lots of imported stuff, and the stuff imported by HZ or cultbeerstore is labelled with the import date (yayyyyy). Also, prices are pretty modest, with 650s of stuff like Hop Rod Rye or Islander IPA going for 13 bucks.

Bravo Liquorland.

They even have bottles of <geek> Coconut Porter


Bottles are yet to be seen in Wellington...

What the shit? Have you started brewing commercially Mr C?

One pretty slick website - http://www.geekbeer.co.nz/

I sure have.  It's something I've been thinking about ever since my Coconut Porter won the Hallertau award at the NHC a few years back.  It's been an interesting ride so far.

Very cool. I'll look out for it at the Liquorland in Palmy.

I saw it there last night. It's on the right hand end of the shelves to the right of the walk in fridge door.


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