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Who's using this malt and what do you think of it ?

What differences if any, are you picking up with NZ Pils from say, Weyermann or English ?

Would you continue to use it, based on price or results ?



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Are you talking about the Malteurop Pilsner malt? I had half a sack of that when my local supplier ran out of the usual Gladfields pale ale malt. Brewed a couple of lighter pale ales and a brown ale with it and thought it was good. Cant comment on it in lager form or what differences from Weyermann or English pilsner malt.


As it was the same price as the pale and gave good results I would continue to use it.

Sorry, I'm unsure of its origin.  Its marketed as NZ Pilsener Malt (Pale) at my Auckland supplier.
Is it true that you need a longer boil with pilsner malt compared with pale to drive of the DMS precursors? Somewhere I heard there are more in a pilsner type malt and that was the reason for boiling at least 90 mins. True/untrue/don't know what I'm talking about?
I've found that in homebrewing the quality of your boil is more important. If you have a real good rolling boil, 60mins will be fine. If you have a dodgy/average burner (like me) 75-90mins is much better because the boil doesn't "roll" as good.You just need to take account for bitterness when your making changes to the time.
Agree totally here... it's the quality of your boil more than the length.
Sweet as, thanks guys. I got 2 x 2kW elements in my keggle so that gives me a pretty good boil. even with only 1 going its rolls over quite nicely.

"it's the quality more than the length"


Is that what you tell all the girls Stu ;o) lol

I'm doing a homebrew piece for radio at the moment... we're brewing Tuesday, I'll be sure to use that line.
Its most likely the Malteurop pilsner malt but it depends what you want out of your beer. You'll make perfectly good beer of pretty much any description using this a base malt. If you want to start making really good "true to type" english ales or German Pils then you need to start looking at Maris Otter/Bairds for the ales or Weyerman Pilsner for the Pils.

yeah.  I use them both but not for my current lite pils recipe.

I intend using Weyermann in the recipe next batch for a comparision.

Current recipe is all NZ Pils with all Perle using Danish 2042 fermented at 8 C. Nothing else.  An attempt to appease the masses that seem to enjoy this type of light, crisp lager.


Would still like some critique/comments from anyone who is familiar with this Pils malt.

Seems like a fairly good Pils recipe. Never used the yeast though so can't comment but it will be a slow ferment at 8 C.
yep, takes about 2 1/2 weeks plus another week at a few degrees warmer to finish off fully.


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