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$50+GST / month
Started Feb 22, 2011 0 Replies 0 Likes
This popped up on the Moa FB page. Good little comp for AKL homebrewers http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=194804803877319 The…Continue
Started Jan 8, 2011 0 Replies 0 Likes
Hi, I'm moving overseas and have to ditch some yeast I've preserved from trub a month back. It's approx 500ml and in a sterile bottle capped and refrigerated. This yeast is for Hefe Weizen. The…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Patrick Oct 27, 2010. 6 Replies 0 Likes
Just found out my company is transferring me to Brisbane in Jan for a few years. I'll be gutted to miss kiwi winters but begs some important questions.....Is there a good supply shop for AG…Continue
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Yes, we'll be brewing next week sometime - either Wednesday or Thursday night. Still more than happy for you to tag along. The brewery is out in Manurewa at my brother in law's place, but I'm just beside the mountain in Mt Wellington so if you're in Ellerslie I can give you a lift. Generally start about 6 (BIL mashes in around 5 so I show up for runoff/sparge) and finish around 10.
No, I don't know Ronnie, nor Charlie! Must be a different Raffe - there aren't very many of us...
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