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Can anyone give me some pointers as to what goes into this brew? I have not tried it, but have a request from a friend to make something close to it.

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I have only had it a couple of times and it's been a while but from memory:

There is roast barley in there I think.
It had some diacetyl, intentionally or not, and I'm pretty sure they would use an english yeast. Wyeast 1968 if you have or S-04.

Guessing the grain bill is pretty simple, maybe:
87% pale
10% crystal
3% roast

Hopping is probably mainly for bittering, 30 IBU's at 60 mins maybe.

Or some thing along those lines.... I'm really just guessing from what I remember:)
i have no idea what they use - probably German specialty malts, given their organic status. Maybe something like this:

87% pale malt
5% carmunich 1
5% caramunch 3
3% carafa 2
They use wyeast 1056 and I heard its Gladfield organic pale now, but i could be wrong


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