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hmmm.. we discussed mash hopping but i guess we may be on different wavelengths (I mash hopped with 200g of NZ Willamette for 40L of beer!!)
What else would I brew after a 1.033 Brown - but a 1.033 Pale
Man I hope these 1.033's turn out ok or I'll be very thirsty over Christmas !

90% malteurop and 10% pale crystal with a smidge of black - worked well in the 1.036 version
Sauvin to bitter (hope I don't get sick of this sauvin) and then the Cascade, Motueka and Hallertau combo at 20 10 & 1. Dry hop with the same

cheers, jt
What's the body like in these 1.033 beers jt? Mine always get a bit too thin as I get down towards 1.040. What's your mash temp?
I'm gonna make a 1.035 beer today. I'm still working on the recipe but I'm gonna go with 50% pale malt and 50% various crystals. maybe 20%pale crystal, 20% caramalt and 10% medium crystal. Mash at 69-70 and ferment with 1968. I hope that will get me to around 2% abv with a ton of flavour and body.

6-7 g of hops per liter, thinking maybe a fuggle-amarillo blend..

But in reality I have no idea what this is gonna turn into:)
Its going to be good I feel
Short on time and wanting a quick and easy brew to try out some washed yeast that I'd saved from a previous batch I did a quick kit + bits today. Keen to see after 18 months without using them if my all grain batches blow it out the water or not.

Fat Lip Bitter

1.7kg of Coopers Real Ale kit
0.5kg of Dark Dry Malt
0.2Kg of Bairds Medium Crystal
50g of sugar

25g of Fuggles at 10min
25g of Fuggles at 0 min

S-04 - second culture
around 2% abv with a ton of flavour and body.
I'll be interested to see how this comes out. When I brewed a 1.5% beer it just tasted like unfermented wort due the lack of fermentation character. It was terrible.
So I brewed this on sunday:

low alc ordinary ipa

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 25.00 Wort Size (L): 25.00
Total Grain (kg): 4.00
Anticipated OG: 1.026 Plato: 6.54
Anticipated SRM: 15.4
Anticipated IBU: 52.2
Brewhouse Efficiency: 57 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
50.0 2.00 kg. Pale Malt(2-row) Great Britain 77.50 3
15.0 0.60 kg. Carastan Malt Great Britian 71.27 34
25.0 1.00 kg. Crystal 40L America 69.19 40
5.0 0.20 kg. Crystal 105L Great Britain 67.12 105
5.0 0.20 kg. Carahell Malt Germany 69.19 12


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
40.00 g. Pacifica Pellet 6.90 33.0 60 min.
25.00 g. Centennial Pellet 10.50 6.3 10 min.
25.00 g. Pacifica Pellet 7.00 4.2 10 min.
25.00 g. Centennial Pellet 10.50 5.2 1 min.
25.00 g. Pacifica Pellet 7.00 3.5 1 min.


WYeast 1968 London Extra Special Bitter

Bit of a kitchen sink on the grain bill...

Notice the extra low gravity... My maashtun is designed for 15-25 kg and with 4 kg of grain the efficiency was terrible. I suspect a lot of sweet wort was hiding under the braided hose. Nevermind, it only makes the experiment more interesting.

Took the first sample today and it is down to 1.010, which gives me 2% abv.

Taste is ok so far, definitely has some unfermented wort character but also definite 1968 flavours and hoppiness. Suprisingly the pacifica seems to dominate the centenial so far.

Anyways, I'll give it a few more days before kegging and hopefully it will be good enough to drink by the gallon when the weather warms up!
Good on ya Soren, reckon you've got a better yeast choice there.

My first 1033's in the keg now, cold but not gassed, but calling out to be tasted !
I concur. 1968 is the bomb for baby IPAs. Leaves enough malt character to be decent. Still need to mash at at least 70C and include some unfermentable adjunct for body I reckon.
Well my starter is just cooling at the moment for my effort of this type of beer;

Anorexic LIPA

76% Golden Promise
12% Carastan 40
10% Caramalt
12% Thomas Fawcett Light Crystal

69 Degree Mash

25g Warrior @ 10, 0, Dry Hop
15g Centenial @ 10, 0, Dry hop
15g Amarillo @ 10, 0, Dry hop

1.036 - 1.012, 3.1%abv
Worse Yeast in the world peice of shit, even boiled over the starter and burnt my little pinky making the starter!! WY1968/002/Griffin Brewery
Go lower Mike, go on, I dare you to ...

... oh, but the beer looks good, just wondering why not 60 minute ? Tried a couple of brews without and I miss it.

I reckon I'd be happy settling on 1.036, happy with my last one I did, good to go all day I reckon - though I haven't tried that - yet


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