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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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How did the ginger beer turn out? Keen to try something like this
These Ginger beers are great. A little on the sweet side so far but a work in progress. If you like bundaberg Ginger beer then you'll like these. The biggest problem is the sediment lifting and stirring when you open and pour. I might try a secondary bottle next time.
I've filtered into the bottle with lint free stockings so get much less sediment and very much reduced lifting, a cleaner GB Mr C
I only have fishnets which I don't think will work as well.
Yea, you need something smoooth and sheer Mr Cherry !
I'd make a belgian pale ale first with the EKG and then pitch a hoppy tripel with the hallertau and perle on top of the yeast cake.
My experience with 1214 havent been all that good but I don't know what I did wrong so I can't really give any hints, sorry. I know others are getting great results with that yeast.
Brewed a wit with this strain yesterday, will repitch into a dubbel.
I haven't brewed for ages so looking forward to getting this one on tomorrow. Just milled for it, the HLT is filled and the timer is set.

American Amber Ale
4.42kg Golden Promise
0.6kg CaraPils
0.6kg Medium crystal
0.2kg Wheat
50g Roast Barley
Mashing at 67 degrees

90 minute boil
13g US Northern Brewer (Mash hop)
13g US Northern Brewer @ 30 & 15
13g US Cascade @ 15 & 5
50g US Cascade @ flameout

Dry-hopping with 50g of Centennial

I'm fermenting with US05 as I ran out of time to get a 1764 (PacMan) starter together.

Aiming for 1.057 and 30 IBUs

I tasted 8Wired's Tall Poppy on Friday night. If this turns out half as good I'll be ecstatic (not that this is intended as any kind of clone attempt, it was planned well before I tasted Soren's amazing beer).
apart from the golden promise and medium crystal there is not any resemblence in the recipe either:) looks damn tasty though!
what do you feel you get out of mash hopping in terms of bitterness and flavour? I've never tried it.
I think I get a smoother bitterness. I might be fooling myself though!
And it makes the mash smell double awesome, almost worth it for that alone.
OK, it's no Tall Poppy but this is a damned tasty beer. Very happy with it. If I was to change anything I'd increase the dry hop to get a bit more aroma but otherwise I'd re-brew it just the same.


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