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Based on a fairly standard grist, but trying out Biscuit malt to see what that'd contribute, and trying the combination of Cascade and Fuggles as the late hops.

So for a 65L batch it was:
11kg Golden Promise
3kg Maris Otter
1.35kg Medium Crystal
800g Dingeman's Biscuit malt
60g Pacific Jade @ 60min
100g NZ Cascade @ 10min
60g NZ Fuggles @ 10min
100g NZ Cascade @ 0min
60g NZ Fuggles @ 0min
US-05 fermented at 20C.

Vital stats 1.053 OG, FG 1.009, about 46 IBU.

Bottled from keg, so shouldn't be any need to be careful about sediment etc.

EDIT: Except for the one bottle that IS bottle-conditioned due to running out from the keg...

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Thanks Crabbey. Due to a bit of a lack of planning you guys got almost all we had left of this - think I've still got a couple of litres in the keg but that won't last long... Glad you enjoyed it, we did too.
This beer personally reminded me of Crouchers Pale Ale quite a lot. Great clear, amber appearance. Around the table we detect honey in the mouth, definitely. Great hop aroma, the fuggles/cascade combo is a nice change to the usual Amarillo late hop. Lingering aftertaste. Great carbonation for the style. Served around 10 degrees as well, which I thought was perfect.
I got a bottle of this out of the fridge after a solid set of hill reps on my pushbike this evening... Dropped the little bastard and now I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Fuck it!
Good clarity, and a nice colour. Pours well with a little white head. Mild beery aroma with some alcohol evident. Grainy palate with a reasonably dry finish. I'm sorta sitting on the fance with this one: probably the biscuit malt wasn't floating my boat on the night. My fault more than anything I think - just wasn't i nthe mood I spose.

I think it's definately well brewed - the biscuit flavour is quite dominant so you have acheived what you set out to. I reckon it's pretty well fermented too - so good work mate.

Drunk this in two sittings... one was early Saturday evening before heading out to do some shopping and the next was in the sun at lunch on Sunday after a brisk 2hr ride. Something didn't seem right on the first approach and, upon loving it at the second nudge, I came to realise it was the lack of a bike ride on Saturday!

Definitely a good dose of caramel and grainy malt... with hops balancing the beer well. Nice new world fruit-driven hoppy pale ale with an English-style malt character. Good work with the style crossover.

I guess I got the bottle conditioned one as it was reasonably hazy with a bit of yeast at the bottom of the bottle.

Cheers guys, always good to get some feedback from the pros! I'm with you Jo, I think next time I'll drop a bit of that biscuit malt out - I like what it brings to the beer, but it could do with being a bit subtler.
Pours a rich amber with thin rapidly dissipating head. Interesting yet subdued hop aroma and flavour, Im also picking up some roastiness which as crabbey alluded to I guess is the biscuit. Coupled with this is a distinct dryness that to my palate goes all the way to the finish. This makes this an interesting beer, and by my reckoning a tasty and enlightening experiment! Cheers!
Yum, really enjoyed this beer. It's a great quaffer, excellent NZ hop character with a bit of roastiness from the biscuit, nice clean ferment too. If I had to be picky it could do with a middle hop addition to bring up the hop flavour and perhaps a touch more crystal to round out the body. Cheers for the beer vdog!
Thanks fellas, glad you enjoyed it. If I was changing the hopping I think I'd increase the late hop rather than adding a middle addition, and in particular I'd add more of the Fuggles to help it stand up against the Cascade better. The experiment continues...

Had this one last night - Pours a slightly hazy orange with a tightly packed 2 finger head which lingers. Aroma of tropical fruit, honey and a hint of cracked black pepper. Full mouthfeel with a hint of ripe orange sitting on top of toasted malt biscuits with a very dry finish!!


Delicious mate, looking at the recipe now im thinking WTF? Fuggles? lol, didnt pick it when I was drinking it, but maybe its cos its NZ fuggles, or maybe the cascade just won out at the end of the day?

I'm actually brewing this today. I really enjoyed it a year ago, and I've not brewed with Fuggles or Biscuit before, so I thought "why not?". only difference is doing 50/50 fuggle/cascade.


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