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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Mike's Wheat Wine. I have never had this style of beer before. Truly interesting and definitely more flavourful than a barley wine. I think it smells like a soft, chewy caramel on the nose; not a fault though, possibly the combo of the malt and the wheat. It is also quite caramel in colour and quite opaque. A smooth mouthfeel with a hint of bitterness in the after-taste; seems quite decently alcoholic as well. Can both smell and taste it.
Talisker 10yo and french techno... hmmm, possibly even a better mix than Bowmore and French techno.

Had Joking's Yakima Warrior tonight after a blast around the bays on the bike. Very restorative.

Yesterday I had a Tuatara Ardennes through the "pearinator" at The Malthouse... damn fine beer and well worth checking out.
Pearinator?? Wtf??
Hop randall filled with pears??

it's a "randall" or "hopinator" but it had pears in it instead of hops... fuckin' brilliant. Mike's mentioned we should try to stuff a corgi or two in there so that we put Her Majesty through (call it the "Regalator").
That is soooooo random!!
I think they should put a toy terminator figure in it. They could call it the Terminator-inator.
I might just do that...
Golden Ticket Brewing's Black Emperor fresh from being filtered at Invercargill

Sliding down very nicely, which is a shame as I'm coordinating a dress rehearsal for a big project at work so will need to take things very slowly indeed.
Going surprisingly well, which I'm attributing to the beer
Having a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale tonight.

This tastes much better than the ones I had in August. I am guessing those were shipped in the heat, and sat around for a while. It is a long way from Chico, California to Miami.
Michael !
I thought you were due back in NZ about now ?

What news on the brew gear front, any good purchases


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