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Two brews in the past two evenings. Each was poured on top of 1/2 a yeast cake of S-05 from a simple blonde ale.

Savvy Llama NZPA
An old favourite, though it's been over 7 months since I last brewed this recipe.

20L batch

4.0kg Malteruop Pilsner
0.5kg Weyermann Munich I
0.3kg Baird's Pale Crystal 90EBC
Mash at 68C for 60 mins

15g Nelson Sauvin First Wort Hops
15g Nelson Sauvin 60,20,5 min
35g Nelson Sauvin Dry Hop 5 days

1.055 O.G.
Est. 5.4%ABV

Snooty Llama American Strong Ale

14L Batch

4,0kg Malteurop Pils
0.5kg Weyermann Munich I
0.3kg Baird's Dark Crystal (230EBC)
0.2kg Baird's Caramalt
0.05kg Weyermann Melanoiden
0.45kg Sucrose
Mash thick at 67.5C for 70 mins, sparge the heck out of it to get all that sugar out (20L went into the kettle) then boil it down for 75 mins to thicken it up

After reading all the discussion above about peat smoked malt, I almost put 200g or so of peat smoked into this, which would've made it "Sooty Llama," instead of "Snooty Llama." In the end I just changed my original recipe by subbing the dark crystal for pale, and adding the bit of Melanoiden (thinking back I actually wish I'd added more... 100 or 150g maybe.)

25g Chinook FWH
25g NZ Cascade FWH
20g Chinook 75 mins
12.5g Chinook 15, 5 mins
12.5g NZ Cascade 15, 5 mins
25g Chinook Dry Hop 5 days
25g NZ Cascade Dry Hop 5 days

The first time I made this it was Chinook and Centennial. This time I swapped the Centennial with NZ cascade to try and get a little less citrus-floral-fruity and a little more citrus-resin-spice. Also split the original hop addition at 15 mins into two half-sized ones at 15 and 5.

1.092 O.G.
est. 9.5%abv

My gf and I split a bottle from the first batch while the mash was resting. It's still tasting great after 8 months, though stocks are running low. Just hope I can hold on to a couple long enough to taste alongside the new one :)
Knocked this out yesterday! Im officially out of US hops other than Cascade, and out of crystal malt apart from 120L, so im finally getting rid of all my old ingrediants which means I can start a fresh soon!!

Pitched just now at lunchtime along with a litre of ice, the temp was still at 28*c but after adding the ice and putting into a cold bath the temp settled at 22*c, and will no doubt drop a wee bit before fermentation starts...


5kg Golden Promise
200g Crystal 120L
200g Biscuit
150g Global CaraDark
100g Rye
50g Maize
20g Caralight

90 - 4g Columbus 14.2%, 5g Summit 15.9%
30 - 15g Columbus 14.2%, 15g Chinook 11.4%, 25g Cascade 5.8%
15 - 20g Amarillo 8.6%, 30g Cascade 5.8%
0 - 30g Cascade, 18g Summit, 10g Sauvin
Dry - 35g Amarillo, 15g Summit, 15g Chinook, 15g Sauvin, 15g Simcoe

Wyeast 1764 - Pacman
Nice work bro, 80 BIAB's is impressive. How long has it taken you to get there?
A little over 18 months I think Lee, but the past 6 have been slack, I did something like 50 brews in the first 12 months ;o) lol
Farken! That's even more impressive! I've done 19 so far and I think I started just after you, maybe March/April 2009. Well done mate.
Hahaha cheers bro, its because im more addicted to brewing than I am to drinking, ive probably done a few of my friends livers no favours by making them drink epic amounts of beer ;o)

I remember when my mate was living with me last year, I would have beer ready to go into the keg, so id let my mate know he had a few days to finish a keg so we could make room haha - He never complained and allways stepped up!
My god, How do you get rid of 1 fermenter of beer a week for the first 12 months? Or did you just build a fort out of kegs, and sit on top of it laughing manically?
Flatmates and good friends are the key Richard ;o) lol


You know if every batch you brewed you put like one dollar in a piggy bank you could have had a real mash tun about 40 batches ago?

Just pulling your dick mate, good on ya.
"You know if every batch you brewed you put like one dollar in a piggy bank you could have had a real mash tun about 40 batches ago?"

Hahaha, you asshole :oP

Im sorta sad to say that my BIAB days are almost over, only a few bits n pieces away :o) But maybe ill bust out the bag every now and then just for you Glen!!
Haha, nah just like giving you a rub for it mate :-P

So a bigger mash tun is in the works? Does this mean bigger batches? Used that big-ass kettle I sold you yet?
Just saw this now mate, but yep, thats exactly whats in the works, hoping to be able to pump out 60Litres at a time ;o)


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