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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Hmmm, vomity, cheesey, sweaty mangoes... Reminds me of a guy I used to work with.

My original plan was a 50:50 mix of Simcoe & Stryrian to continue the theme of my other pales ales. Maybe I should try that first.
vomity, cheesey, sweaty mangoes...??
I do an SMASH with GP and Simcoe and love it - never picked any of those flavours from it maybe its personal preference!
What sort of hopping schedule do you have for that Chris?

Maybe less is more when brewing with Simcoe as the only hop variety. I find that with Nelson Sauvin.
Sorry just saw this - 30g @ 60,10,0 with 60g dryhop for a total of ~50ibu & 1.052 og
Thanks Chris. I might go for something similar and than I'll have enough left over a for a Styrian/Simcoe combo.
Ive definately got the sweaty mango character from Simcoe, but vomity and cheesy?? Really?? Cant say ive experianced it, its a gorgeous hop IMO and is great blended and by itself...

I guess one could so due to the pungency of it that its the Sauvin of the US hop types?? Maybe?
Never tried Simcoe, but I can see where the vomit reference comes from it it's got mango qualities to it. I can't eat mango as I can't get past the smell of vomit!
Despite all the advice against using more than 5% heavy peated malt in a beer, I can now vouch for using 100%...

It was my second ever SMASH - 100% heavy peated malt (phenol was 41ppm) and 100% Willamette. Good ol' US05.
Hi Guys,
just need a bit of advice, I put down my first all grain wheat beer on thursday, into the primary on friday morn and she was bubbling like crazy on friday arvo and saturday morn. Came home yesturday and no sign of anything happening? there are no holes or leaks in the fermenter. Should I just bottle or transfer to secondary for a couple of days?
This question comes up all the time. Have you checked it with a hydrometer? Just because there's no visible signs of fermentation doesn't mean that fermentation has stopped. Check the SG, leave it a couple of days then check it again. If it is at somewhere near where you expected it to finish and it isn't still decreasing, it's ready for bottling. No need to worry about a secondary. I'd give it at least a week though.

For future reference, it's useful to include things like the OG and the yeast strain in these types of questions. Helps to focus the answers.
Great thanks Martin I'll check it again tonight!
Ok, work in progress for the North Welly Golden Ale
I don't think I've used Sauvin since 2005 after having too much of a good thing and I'm a bit nervous about it

I'm wondering if I can do the 100% malturop and how to make it work - or how much of one other malt - and which malt - I can use (upto 10%) to make this work.

First up I'd considered a straight 10% caramalt, but I think it might go a bit heavily
Then a little light went on - wheat (or in my store, flaked wheat)
Next I considered stretching the rules a little and using some of the malturop to make some home roasted Munich, giving me leeway to choose another malt.

But I think I'm back to 5% Caramalt

Not sure about the hopping, it's be pretty easy to overdo this pungent hop yea ?
In 1.042 or so I was looking at 15 IBU for a 60 minute addition and then maybe 1/2gm / litre addtions at 20 10 & 0 for 30 IBU all up

The North Welly Style Guide states emphatically that US05 is the only yeast to use and I'm thinking I could get a nice ferment with a repitch of the yeast that's working right now

Any other 'out there' ideas for this pretty simple ale ?


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