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Simple Pale Ale on Saturday
3.5 Kg Maris Otter
1 Kg Munich
250 g Crystal
120 g Melanoidin
120g Biscut

20g Saaz 90 mins
11g Saaz 30 mins
25g Nel Sav 5 mins
25 g Pacifica 5 mins

Christened my new wort cooler and pitched with S-05

Had a major cock-up in FV when the valve started leaking everywhere and had to stick my hand in the cooled wort to tighten it so fingers crosses I don't get an infection after a good days brewing........
2 brews in the last week. That's 2 more than in the entire month prior. I came back from 2 weeks holiday overseas to a nearly full keg of NZ brown ale and a casual attitude to increasing stocks. Thus 2 short weeks later my keg fridge is looking pretty light. Which is a euphamism for NOT A DROP OF BEER IN THE HOUSE. Level 5 on the home brewers catastrophe scale.

So as a remedy I brewed an ordinary bitter last Thursday. Or at least I tried to.
I thought I had at least enough Maris Otter left for a simple ordinary so I set to work weighing some grain. Turns out I had precisely 2.53kg of pale ale malt. At my usual batch size of 23l that's an OG of about 1.027 with my efficiency. Poos.

I had to brew something. So I scale down the batch a smidge and got a wort of 1.032. That'll do. It'll be in the keg later this week.

Needless to say a trip to Brewer's Coop was in order. I spent a good couple of hours in there on Saturday and came home with a bunch of fresh goodies. Time to brew.
Except my mill froze up. Took me half an hour to crush the first 2.4kg, reaching underneath to help spin the free roller. Then another hour to disassemble the mill, clean, reassemble, crush the rest of the grist. And I put it back together backwards. So had to crush the remaining grain winding the other way. Which is like pushing a car with square wheels. F**K it.

Granite Jaw IPA
Bairds Maris Otter 5.5 kilograms 93.2%
Crystal 0.3 kilograms 5.1%
Bairds Amber 0.1 kilograms 1.7%

Southern Cross hops 14.8%, Pellet 15 grams 60 minutes (+0)
Centennial hops 9.2%, Pellet 20 grams 15 minutes (+45)
Simcoe hops 12.2%, Pellet 20 grams 15 minutes (+45)
Centennial hops 9.2%, Pellet20 grams 10 minutes (+50)
Simcoe hops 12.2%, Pellet 20 grams 10 minutes (+50)
Whirlfloc Fining 2 grams 10 minutes (+50)
Chinook hops11.4%, Pellet 20 grams 5 minutes (+55)
Amarillo hops 7.2%, Pellet 30 grams 5 minutes (+55)
Chinook hops 11.4%, Pellet 20 grams 0 minutes (+60)
Amarillo hops 7.2%, Pellet 30 grams 0 minutes (+60)

Amarillo hops 8%, Pellet 50 grams 5 days (+5)

OG 1.058 74IBU. Angry bitter for an angry brewer.

Hoping this restores some balance to the universe.
lol, let that be a lesson to you for letting your gear sieze up due to lack of attention ;o) haha, good to see you back on the wagon Barry!
Brewed a slightly tweaked Yakima Monster last night, little bit of a balls-up with the boil though, didn't have any finings so she's gone into the fermenter a bit murky. Should be sweet after a post-ferment crash-chill and fine, and will also fine into the keg to try and clear it up as much as possible. The Amarillo/Simcoe combo smells awesome though, really looking forward to drinking this one in a couple of weeks!

This was for a finished batch size of 70L.
14kg Maris Otter
700g Caramalt 33
350g Melanoiden
80g Pacific Jade @ 60min
70g each of Amarillo and Simcoe @ 10 and 0
125g each of Amarillo and Simcoe - 5 day dry hop.
US05 at 20C for the ferment.
OG 1.052 (missed the target by a couple of points), aiming for FG 1.010 so should be around 5.5% abv.
Yeah boi, checked my IIPA at lunch time and the SG is sitting at 1012, and 8.34% ABV ;o) Awesome!!
i've never tried a lambic,are there any commercial ones available anywhere in nz?
I've bought timmermans at my local New World a couple of times. Other than that Regional Wines & Spirits or Beerstore should able to help.
i didn't think of beerstore but they have quite a few available, is it the timmermans gueuze you get?your local new world sounds better than mine, apart from the usual suspects i've got a choice of emersons or harringtons!
Can't remember exactly what the beers were. One of them was a fruit lambic with a pink label if that helps.
Trying a Belgian Wit, the misus loves Hoegarden and it's expensive!

3.50 kg Wheat Malt, Ger 60.9 %
1.50 kg Pilsner Malteurop 26.1 %
0.75 kg Oats, Flaked 13.0 %

12.00 gm Southern Cross [13.80%] (60 min) 19.8 IBU

10.00 gm Chamomile (Boil 5.0 min)
20.00 gm Coriander Seed (Boil 5.0 min)
30.00 gm Orange Peel, Sweet (Boil 5.0 min)

1 Pkgs SafBrew Specialty Ale (DCL Yeast #T-58) Yeast-Ale

Vol 25L
Measured Original Gravity: 1.048 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.010
Alcohol by Vol: 4.9 %
Bitterness: 19.8 IBU
Odds and ends sort of beer for me tomorrow to use up some older bags of grain. Weighed them all out into one bucket and with the relative amounts thought it looked best brewed in the style of an ordinary bitter

2.9kg MOPA
.54 Munich
.073 Pale Chocolate

15g of Target and 35g of Fuggles to take it to 26IBU
S04 for the yeast I think
OG 1.034
Another ordinary bitter here today also. Not brewed for 3 months so good to get back into it, even if the Wellington wind is at it's usual blustery self.

Golden Storm Bitter:

3.19Kg Bairds Pale
0.16Kg Cara Malt
0.16Kg Global Light Caramel
0.02Kg Pale Chocolate

15.00 gm .Pacific Jade 2 [13.30 %] (65 min) Hops 27.1 IBU
15.00 gm .Golding, NZ [4.10 %] (15 min) Hops 4.1 IBU
10.00 gm .Golding, NZ [4.10 %] (10 min) Hops 2.0 IBU
15.00 gm .Golding, NZ [4.10 %] (5 min) Hops 1.6 IBU
35.00 gm .Golding, NZ [4.10 %] (0 min) Hops -

1 Pkgs SafAle English Ale (DCL Yeast #S-04) Yeast-Ale

1.040, 34IBU. 20L


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