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Seeing as CS5 is pretty much over, for most of us, thought I would gauge interest for CS6, as well as get some ideas on dates?


What do you guys reckon? Im thinking Mid September personally?

Views: 280

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Sweet - thanks mate.

Crabbey - you gotta send my share to Auckland too bro...

Cheers boys...

Let me know how much money I owes yous.
Sh*t I'll have to come up with a mixed box.... I have no full batches thanks to a spillage!
Bottling line incident was it.....
Sounds like something from the A team, "I pity the fool!"
There's nothing wrong with sending too many beers ... please feel free to continue it as a tradition :o)
Next weekend works for me.
Suits me.
I'll send mine down to Wellywood next week...

Who's reprezintin' Wellyz? (Who should I send it to?)
It may be me ... I'll know tomorrow.
Sorry but I have to pull out, I didn't manage to get beer bottled in the weekend (not living at home while its being renovated). Was a bit otimistic of me to think I might be able to participate :-(
which courier company do you guys use? do i include tickets for the same value for the return trip?
sorry guys but i'm going to have to a last minute pull out,i had 15 bottled ready to go (been bottled a while)and as we only need 12 i've just sampled one and i'm not sure whats happened but its not very good at all,it has a flavour i've never tasted before that the missus says reminds her of cooked vegetables, it was a vanilla stout,can't taste any vanilla!,shit, i was looking forward to this swap.


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