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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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There were a fair few empty Weyermann sacks at Schlenkerla... they are a Bamberg based company after all! :)
On this note, I used up some old Weyermann Smoked Malt this morning:

Smokin' Beagles (American Brown goes to Bamberg).

85% Weyermann Smoked Malt
5% Caramunich II
3% Wheat
2% Carafa Special II

100% Pacifica (the last of a kilo that I really enjoyed using)
18ibu @ 60min
18ibu @ 30min - 2.5g/L
10ibu @ 15min - 2.5g/L


I've got plans for a couple of smoked pale ales too... plenty of hop flavour, but little aroma
FYI: just had a taste out of the hydrometer, yup she's pretty smokey. All is going well, I'm very happy with it so far. It's got another few days in the fermenter, then another few weeks lagering. Should be all go for summer. Oh, the smoked malt is also Weyermann. I try to keep my recipes as authentic as possible, unless I am going all out experimental.
kegging this tonight... smells like an American Brown made with a bongwater liquour at his stage!
Eight days is a shortish ferment Stu, conditioning for long ?
That's a long ferment for me... I'm generally done in 5. I just left this one as I couldn't be bothered seeing to it. It'll condition for almost 4 weeks as I am off to Aus on Friday!

Must keg my I(slay)PA before then too.. At least I've cleaned and sanitized kegs for that. That beer was brewed Friday and I held temps down for first few days bit it is firing now! Probably keg Thursday.
kegging this tonight... smells like an American Brown made with a bongwater liquour at his stage!

and dry hopped with lipstick... WTF? Ferment was pretty low. I'll be interested to see what this tastes like after three weeks in the cellar.
Brewing ?

Sort of, assisting a work colleague to mix his first can of concentrate on Sunday morning

It's not a gazillion IBU of fancy hops in exotic malts - step one - Coopers Dark Ale and a kg

Exactly what the man wants - so that's what he's getting
Mr Cherrys BBII

3.6kg Maris Otter
0.2kg Wheat
0.2kg Caramalt 30 EBC
0.2kg Crystal 240 EBC.
NZ Styrian at 60 min
15min Fuggles 5g
15min Riwaka 5g
0min Fuggles 10g
0min Riwaka 10g

Got distracted measuring sparge water and got very poor efficiency with low SG. As compensation dumped 400gr of Belgian Candy into the fermenter.

Oh well....
Good on ya Daron, that beer was very nice. Who did you have to kill to get some Riwaka?

If you want that Bookbinder fresh hop aroma then I'd recommend dry hopping it with around 10-15g of both Fuggles & Riwaka for the last 5 days of fermentation.

What yeast did you use? Good ol' US-05?
I can hook you up with some Riwaka if you want Mr C.
Thanks Jo but I've just stocked up on Motueka as a substitute. Next time I'll ask up front.


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