Sorry.. I was wrong.. I think there are a couple of Beers and Glasses still to load.. Lost Abbey The Angels Share, Sierra Nevada Summerfest and I think that is it.. These will be loaded tomorrow some stage.
Yeah, Saw it at Pak n' Save and picked one up on impulse a few weeks back. The Tequila and lime shone through but it didn't really work for me. Don't think I finished it.
Had a work do last night, Monteiths in the bottle... probably better than the speights, but the black has left me with a bad case of flatulence today.....
Few of my mash hopped browns to watch the league with.
Was having one with my tea earlier and checked the recipe to see what I'd hopped it with, so there are hops present to taste, just subtle. I'd try single mash hopping again in a mild or NZD I think. Worth a try I think
In Nelson tonight so popped into the Free House. Had a Renaissance Voyager and a Townsend Old House ESB both on the hand pump. Back to the van now so settling down to a bottle of Emersons Old 95. Good stuff all of it.