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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Hi Pilgrim. Keen to hear how it came out, especially using S23. I used S23 by accident on a Wheat brew and it came out really nice.
Just mashed in what I hope will be an ESB. 90 minute mash @ 66ºC. 90 minute boil.

Maris Otter (6.0 EBC) Grain 90.91 %
Amber Malt (85.0 EBC) Grain 3.64 %
Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2Grain 1.82 %
Crystal Dark (260.0 EBC) Grain 1.36 %
Crystal Medium (145.0 EBC) Grain 1.36 %
Chocolate (1200.0 EBC) Grain 0.91 %
WY1968 slurry.

Challenger, First Gold, and Fuggles to about 45 IBU. Trying to use up some odds and sods from my hops stock.
Just cracked my first bottle of this one.
I ended up using the Challenger and First Gold to 56 IBU, because they are both '06 vintage pellets. I used 30 gr fresh Fuggels pellets at flameout.
The beer is beautifully balanced, with still lovely hop flavour and aroma, with smooth maltiness. WY1968 leaves me with a brilliantly clear beer, even after only 2½ weeks post bottling.
The bitterness is probably more like 40 to 45 IBU because of the age of the pellets, but they were stored sealed in the freezer.
I'm really happy with this beer.
Bottled a hoppy (Pacifica) as hell Kellerbier (nz pils, bit of melanoidin, yeast 34/70) yesterday which is tasting awesome and brewed a smooth Franconian Dunkel to follow it using the yeast cake - that was with an all Munich type II base, bit of carared, touch of carafa. the late spring is going to be great out on the back lawn once daylight savings have started.

next up a koelsch (straight pils malt) and two altbiers (favourite style, one all munich with carared, the other half munich, half pils with carared and touch of carafa) with the 2575 yeast that was the wyeast special last time out.
Hey Ed, good to see you still about and brewing !
And 34/70 too - very topical
You like the 34/70 - what sort of atenuation do you get from it ?
umm, the kellerbier i did went from 1050 to 1008 which I found remarkable actually. the mash was probably bang on 150F/65.6C so perhaps on the low side. only used 10g of the 34/70 as well and it took ages to get going, but once it did it fermented out in a week, though i was fermenting on the warm end of the lager range - 14C.
1050 to 1008
That's good, very good, much better than most people have been mentioning here

fermenting on the warm end of the lager range - 14C
Ok, I've been in the 11 to 12C

mash was probably bang on 150F/65.6C
But I've been a bit above that, might try it though

cheers, jt
Tonight I bottled the last of a run of six ordinary bitters and brewed a pale ale:

Croce Pale Ale
1.051 OG
38 IBU

4.26kg UK Pale Malt
380g Medium Crystal
260g Biscuit Malt
240g German Wheat Malt

10g Southern Cross @60
15g Motueka @30
15g Nelson Sauvin @15
40g Amarillo @1
20g Nelson Sauvin dry hop
20g Amarillo dry hop

1 tsp Irish Moss, 2 tsp Gypsum, 1/4 tsp Chalk, 1/4 tsp Epsom Salts.

Wyeast 1056 American Ale 1st generation smack pack.
Brewed an NZ Pale Ale this afternoon.

95% Pale
3% Light Crystal (20)
2% Dark Crystal (120)

20 IBU Williamette @ 60
10 IBU Goldings @ 30
1g/l Williamette @ flame out
1g/l Goldings @ flame out

Little calcium sulphate in the mash and pH balanced.

Tomorrow morning is pilsner time again!
Ale? James?
Yep, the sky is falling......

NHBC is only nine weeks away, so setting up some stock for that. My brewing schedule for the next four weeks is looking hectic, and maturation tank space is at a premium. May have to utilise my stock of "rented" 30 litre kegs for aging the beers....
Yep, the sky is falling

It's falling here too, but a bit sideways in the southerly.

Masho !
Batch 707
95% Malturop
5% Munich I
1.040 with 20 IBU Super Alpha to bitter and 10 IBU Tetnanger from 20 minutes
Repitch of 34/70

Should be the last lager of the season


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