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Hi Guys,

Just wondering where everyone buys brewing ingredients.  Personally, I haven't found a place that ticks all the boxes, large range, good information, and great service.  Typically, large range is the hardest to come by.

I generally buy from:
Liberty Brewing - www.libertybrewing.co.nz
Brewers COOP - www.brewerscoop.co.nz
Hauraki Homebrew - www.haurakihomebrew.co.nz
Dunedin Malt House - www.dunedinmalthouse.com

I'm based in Hawke's Bay, and as far as I know, there's nowhere to buy local, so it's always online, usually from one (often from more than one) of the above.

Where do you buy yours?  Anywhere with a really good selection, and also preferably with good info (about the products) on their website?


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Man, it is pick on the tron week! First Neil having a go on twitter, now this! Et tu, Tyler? ;)
Hahaha, I couldnt help it mate I saw an opening and I took it ;o)

Still keen to venture into the 'abyss' when Epic Black IPA is on tho!! And also to check out House bar!
Just looks like a standard homebrew shop with a fancy front end... as Dave says: www.libertybrewing.co.nz all the way
Liberty, Dunedin Malthouse and Hauraki Homebrew for me ... I also use Great Expectations in 't Hutt for that 'uck it moment and all my 5-Star buying needs.
Hi all.
My 2c worth, I've had two deliveries from brewshop.co.nz in the last two weeks and service was speedy and efficient. Good prices as well. They probably don't have the customer rapport of the more established establishments but definately worth a go.



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